Inuzuka Naruto

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First off, some explanation. I was interested in continuing this story tonight, that's why it got updated so soon. Its not really a good idea to expect chapters so quickly, though I'll probably update this story and any others I have faster when I have experience.

Another thing, yes Naruto will be learning the jutsu of the Inuzuka clan. As I said, in this story all the things they know are learned, so they'll end up both getting dog partners. That's why the picture up top is of a Shiba Inu, because that will be Naruto's dog partner.

There's a reason I chose this breed. I own one, and my nephew (in all but blood) who's four walked in, saw her, and called her "the fox dog". Thinking about it and looking at her, she really does remind me a lot of a fox (she's thinner than the dog in the picture and has black on her, but she looks a lot like a fox still). With that in mind, when I started planning this story, that's the reason I decided to use a Shiba Inu type dog. Because you know, Naruto.

I say type of course, because the dogs of the Inuzuka clan have a tendency to grow massive, and in this fan fiction, live as long as humans. So basically imagine a Shiba Inu the same size as Akumaru gets in Shipuuden, and you've got it (at least when we get to that part of the story. Right now she'll be small). Also, I chose a female dog because most male dogs in the clan have "maru" at the end of their name, and I found a pretty female name haha.

Slight spoilers are over. Enjoy the chapter.


To say that Naruto sprung back was an understatement to say the least. For the first two weeks, he hadn't been responsive to anything, but after some gentle talking from Hana and Kiba (and not so gentle talks with Tsume), Naruto had pretty much bounced right back to his old ways, though he was more somber and could often be thoughtful as well. Returning to school was an interesting experience as well. Almost everyone was now kind to him, especially those kids who had clans of their own. They couldn't imagine what it was like to lose everything like that, and tried their best to help him adjust.

Naruto had quickly become friends with several members of their class, which made waking up and having to go to school each day much easier, and surprisingly enough Sasuke Uchiha had showed up and decided to be the boy's friend. However since Sasuske was a better looking child than Naruto, he was quickly developing a fan club. Kiba however was still Naruto's constant companion, which also made training and learning the Inuzuka techniques easier on both of them.

Since Naruto was Kiba's brother in all but blood, the clan had welcomed him and had been eager to help him learn their clan's techniques. Of course, some of them weren't happy about it, but they didn't exactly want to cross Tsume either and so they ended up having no say in the matter. Naruto and Kiba were both making leaps and bounds learning the skills of the Inuzuka clan, enough so that eventually people stopped referring to Naruto as "Uzumaki" and called him "Inuzuka", though it was odd to see one with blonde hair.

Both Kiba and Naruto had grown exceptionally good at sniffing out an enemy (using tracking methods to follow their own noses), had much better sight and definitely better hearing. Even at a young age, since they were always pushing each other to do better, they ended up making themselves some of the best trackers in the clan already. Talking to animals proved fairly easy once you figured out what they meant with certain body movements, sounds, and other signals they sent.

They were also both getting better at using the jutsu to switch around some of the bones in their bodies and move more like beasts instead of humans. So it came as no surprise when, in the middle of class, Kiba had reacted to something someone had said by growling at them. The class was startled when one of Naruto's bullies met claws and fangs instead of punches from the blonde, though the resident class Nara named Shikamaru reminded them all that he was being raised with Inuzukas, so it was only natural to assume that he would end up becoming like them. Both Kiba and Naruto began to react in a more animal like way after that.

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