Such Youth. Much Training.

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So here we go with the new chapter. This will start the story off with some conversation and training that's going to be going on. Mostly its just kind of a time skip chapter until we reach the training of their new technique, and then we'll see what their first C-Ranked mission is. *Cough Cough*

Anyway, I hope you're enjoying the story so far.


By the time Sasuke and Naruto had reached Ichiraku Ramen, Sasuke looked rather thoughtful, in his silent and brooding way. This, along with the blonde with a ninken on his head, might have gotten some interest from people standing and watching as they saw the two nearing the restaurant, especially since Sasukie still had some burns and Naruto some bruises. However, they could tell immediately that the interest was more because of the silver haired man sitting next to Sakura inside the restaurant. Some of those people being other ninja.

Kakashi looked up from his book as he noticed the two walking in, letting out a sign when he noticed they were still injured, and closed his book carefully. Sakura on the other hand, smiled when she saw the two of them, but also looked a little put off. As Naruto and Sasuke sat at the familiar eatery, they noticed this quickly. Saeko jumped down from Naruto's head onto the ground, and as the two boys ordered food the ninken was brought out a bowl filled with meat, which she happily tucked into.

"I thought I told you two to get patched up," he said.

"Well we knew Sakura would be disappointed if she couldn't practice her medical ninjutsu," Naruto countered, smirking when the pink haired girl gasped happily.

"Perfect," she cried. "Thanks guys. I'll get you fixed up in no time!" Kakashi just blinked.

"You're training to be a medic?" he asked.

"Starting to, yeah," she said with a nod. Kakashi smiled again, a true, if not a little exasperated smile touching his face.

"What have I gotten myself in now?" he asked, sounding amused.

"Too late to back out now, Sensei," Sasuke reminded him with a smirk. 

"It was too late when I was chosen to be your instructor," Kakashi said.

For a while there was nothing but silence as the team got their food and began to dig into the meal, enjoying it and each other's company. The crowd outside soon also got bored of the novelty of the idea that Kakashi Hatake had actually taken a genin team and returned to their everyday lives, which was kind of a relief to the three young genin. Kakashi didn't seem to mind this much and sat back, looking over his three young students. Naruto couldn't help but wonder if that was kind of strange to him.

"So," he said. "I can tell something's bothering you Sasuke. What is it?"

"I just..." he said. "I'm...conflicted."

"Why?" Kakashi prompted.

"Kaa-san said she'd like him to live with us so he wasn't alone anymore," Naruto answered simply for his friend.

"I see," Kakashi said, his one good eye flashing. "That's why you're conflicted, eh?"

"Yeah," Sasuke said quietly. "I'm not sure if I can just...let go."

An understanding and sad silence fell over the group as they turned to look at the boy. He was obviously conflicted because he still loved his clan and family, and moving in with another felt...wrong. Naruto understood. He'd gone through the same thing. But he also knew that it wasn't good to be alone. It could get to your head, just like it almost had before when Itachi had attacked his own clan and demanded his little brother hate him. Kakashi reached over and laid a hand on Sasuke's shoulder.

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