Chapter 10

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Waking up to a tree falling through the living area was not what I was expecting

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Waking up to a tree falling through the living area was not what I was expecting. Shit what the hell did I get myself into. All I wanted was some quiet time to think.  It's been five days  since I'd last seen civilization. I'd stayed as long as I could in the cabin before the roof began to cave. It was long enough for the storm to let up. I found Hudson's emergency pack, ponchos, and hunting gear. I was going to have to try to make it back to town on my own. A few hours into the hike back I realized what a mistake I'd made. The storm was back full force. I couldn't see anything.  I'd fallen quite a few times and my whole body was hurting and cold. The ponchos did nothing to keep me dry. I had to find some kind of shelter. I should've paid more attention to Hudson and his dad when we went hiking. Hudson's butt was just so damn cute. Now look where I'm at. Damn Hudson and his cute Butt. This storm is definitely one of the worst I'd seen in Montana. What the hell am I going to do? No one in their right mind would be out in this.

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