Chapter 15

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"You've been on that couch so long you're starting to become one with it"

"I have not. I just got back." I tell my mom as I take the cup hot chocolate she was offering.
"You did but your avoiding life. Like your scared to get back on that horse that's thrown you. "
"I'm just resting. It was my last shoot and worked really hard to make it my best."
It had been over two months since almost dying in the storm. It was the worst storm in Montana history. It did a ton of damage to the town. Mom's bar took a beating and she won't be able to reopen for a while. Me and Hudson rode the chopper back to the rescue point in silence that day. When we'd reached the rescue point I was rushed with t.v cameras and everyone there. Hudson was Consumed with his fiance who was attached to his side the entire time. He made it over to me as I was being loaded in the ambulance.
"I'm glad your ok Ritch. I don't know what" he got out before Blondie made her way over and interceded "Yeah, we're glad your ok. My fiance is just amazing isn't he?" She asked as she hung from his arm.
Swallowing my emotions I say "Yes he is. Thank you for saving my life." And then I closed my eyes so I didn't have to see the kiss she firmly planted on the lips I had just tasted a few hours before, as the ambulance doors closed .
They kept me overnight for precaution and released me the next day with a few cuts, bruises, and a sprained ankle. A couple of weeks later I was on a plane and headed for my last shoot. I was retiring. It took about 3 weeks and then I'd spent the following few weeks saying good by to the girls and packing . I'd decided to move back with mom until I found my place in life. I didn't know where I was going but I knew I was done with Playboy and needed a change. The whole almost dying thing put my whole life in perspective. Id officially been back two days. Mac was staying in Hawaii. I missed her.

"Im not scared. I just dont know which way to go with my life." I said

"Well back to school seems to be a good idea" mom spouted off

"I'm taking it one day at a time. Today I think I'm going to go look at houses"

"Still on that are you? I wish you'd just stay here with me. I have plenty of room."

"Im not living with you mom. I love you but I need my space"

"Ok, whatever. Have you talked to Hudson lately?"

"No, he's an engaged man mom. I forgave him. Even before he saved my life and we need to move on. People can actually live in the same city as their exes and be civil."

"Ritchie don'tchu be smart mouthing me. I could've told you that before you hopped on that plane for Hawaii five years ago. But I not talking about any reconciliation or anything. Im talking about the fact that your pregnant. You know give him a heads up or something. It is his child I presume ?"

"Yes, I mean Im pretty sure it is. How'd you know?"

"Honey I'm your mother Id be the worst mother on the planet if I didn't know and the fact that I snoop. Its what I do." Shaking her shoulders nonchalant she continues "Its what Im good at. Found your pregnancy test in your make up drawer looking for that amazing mascara that looks so good on me. But if I hadnt I would've known from the fact that you've thrown up every morning 6 am on the dot the last 2 days and you haven't touched that hot chocolate I know is your very favorite."

I should've known I couldn't hide anything from her. She notices everything and the fact she's a notorious snoop.
"I don't know what to do. I'm positive it's his. I haven't been with anyone since the storm and me and Dan always used protection before. Besides the due date checks out with the day of my rescue. I don't want to tell him because I could miscarry again and it would all be for nothing. And what If he doesn't believe it's his? I did get around a little. And he's getting married. What about his life?"

"Well my sweet child, he slept with you too, and while he was engaged so we can't feel sorry about him. He has to take some responsibility himself. You can't shoulder that weight. And as far as his life, honey you don't have a life after children. That's just part of parenting. Your going to have to tell him"
"I know but not today. Today we're going house hunting"

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