Chapter 21

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By the time I got off the phone with Mac it was nearly sundown. We Went through every inch of the house making a plan on every possible senerio. Thank God for iPhone and face time.
Hanging up I notice the stalker hadn't called in hours. Ok, thats a good sign. Mabey it was just a kid. Still better safe than sorry I make a call into the station.
"Hi my name is Ritchie Miller and I know that it's going to be impossible for anyone to come out and take a report from me because of the storm but I was wondering if I could talk to an officer?" I say
"I have one in the building at the moment. Your name is Ritchie Miller you say?"
"Yes." I reply waiting as a dispatcher connects me to the officer. Please don't let it be Hudson. Please don't let it be Hudson I was chanting when a voice connects on the other end.
"Well Ritchie Miller, its your lucky day. Im not Hudson."
"Shit. Is that you Brent Maston?" I groan. Damn. Hudson's cousin and Best friend. I continue asking in an irritated tone "Your a cop too?"
"Yep. And it's Police officer. I'm a police officer. Now what has you calling me tonight?"
"I've been receiving threatening phone calls." I say
"Hmm. Have you gotten them before?"
"No. I haven't but it's common in the feild I was in."
"You mean in playboy"
"Yes Brent in playboy. Stop being an ass." I spat irritated
"Settle down now. Give me the details"
After giving him all the details of every call and the steps I'd already taken he says
"Sounds like you're prepared. You been through this before?" I explain how it's common in my feild and of what happened to stacy he then says "We don't have any on duty officers to send out to you Ritchie. Damn, I wish we did. I was just coming on and I have to say this storm has people in dire sittuations. I was heading out to relieve the officer who's mother just had a heart attack. What I can do is see if we can get to you in the morning. The storm is suppose to let up in the next few hours. We could probably make it out then. "
"No. It's no problem. It could be nothing. Just some kid. I'd hate to have you come all the way out when your needed there. If it's going to let up soon then I'll just come in then." I say and then hang up. Well shit. Looks like I'm on my own.
About an hour of pacing the phone starts to ring. Answering I already know who it is. And it's the same messages as before. Over and over the phone rings. And I know Mac said to answer the phone but I just can't, its really freaking me out. So I let it ring the next time. And the next. I can't sit by and watch the phone so when my stomach begins to growl I put a pizza in the oven. While the pizza was cooking I'll just take a shower.
About half way through the shower I hear banging like someone was trying to break down the barricades.

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