chapter 19

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The feeling of someone watching me woke me with a start. It wasn't just the feeling of someone watching though. It was the black figure I thought I'd seen standing at the the end of the couch. Well atleast I thought it was a figure. I try to calm my racing heart with some deep breaths. I was letting mom's paranoia really get to me. I try to call Mac one more time.
"Hello Gorgeous" She answers
"Hey, I tried calling earlier."
"I was in the shower and then I was going to call you back when stacy came over and then I forgot. Sorry"
"It's ok. It just sucks your so far away sometimes" I whine as I get up to look out the window.
"I know. I miss you too. So how's that storm you said was coming? You are staying inside this time?"
"Yep. I barely made it home earlier from my prenatal appointment"
"Oh I wished I could be there for that. Howd it go?"
"Good. She's perfect. And Healthy"
"That's good. Wait? Did you say she?"
"Yep. Got an ultrasound. It's a girl" I squealed with excitement.
"You bitch! you told me it was just a standard appointment. I was going to be there for the ultrasound."
"I didnt know. When I got in there the doctor asked me about my medical history. When I told him about my miscarriage he ordered an ultra sound. I didnt know they could tell at 4 months. I'm new at this."
"I know. I'm just sad you had to do it alone. You should tell him Ritchie."
"I am. I just dont know how. I mean do I just go to his house where he lives with his Fiance and tell him? I'm trying to find the right time"
"Tell him soon. Ok. So how's living in B.F.E?" She changes the subject
"Its peaceful. And beautiful. But I came home earlier and I'd left the kitchen light on and then aparently the thunder or something had knocked down my old scrapbook. I was on the phone with mom and I let her paranoia get to me. When I woke up from my nap I freaked out and thought I'd seen a person standing at the end of the couch"
"Like a shadow?" Mac asks
"Yeah, kind of. It was dark."
"I dont know Ritch mabey you should call someone to come stay with you or something."
"Oh gosh, not you too. I'm looking outside now. No cars or anything and only an idiot would be out in this storm. Besides I have the doors locked"
"True. Just be careful."
"I will. I'm tired so I think Ill call mom back and hit the hay. I love you."
"Love you too Ritch. Take care of my niece will ya. I cant wait to meet her."
"No doubt you'll spoil her rotten. Goodnight"After calling my mother I climb in bed for some much needed sleep. Who'd known carrying a tiny human would make you so tired.

Waking the next morning I make coffee, decaffeinated of course. I should probably just not drink it anymore but I still loved the taste. Looking out at the storm still raging Im startled by a ringing sound. It's the house phone. I had just gotten it installed a couple of days before the storm and haven't given anyone the number. I use my cell. I hadnt had time to give mom or anyone else the number since it was for emergency purposes only and a standard line. So who would be calling it?
Picking it up
"Hello" I ask.
As Deep breathing answers me I ask "Hello. Who is this?" With breathing as a reply.
A little freaked out I go to hang up but before I do the person on the other end breaths out slowly "Your day is coming whore."

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