Chapter 15: In Love?

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  • Dedicated to All of you awesome readers!(:

Hey! This chapter is back to Jewels P.O.V, because we haven't heard from her in a long time!lol Anyways, hope you didn't forget about her friends; Annabelle and Brandon because they're in this chapter! 


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Picture of Jewels and Brandon>>>>>>


“What about Emmett? Why can’t you woman up and ask him out to the graduation party?” Annabelle asked as she painted her toe nails a bright hot pink.

“For the last time,” I groaned, “I’m not going to that stupid graduation party!”

“If you don’t want to go alone, I can hint at Em-“

“No, Annabelle, I’m not going. I can’t go,” I told her.

Graduation is a week from now. A week from now, I’ll have to move and leave everything behind. My friends and…mate.

“Why not?!” She pouted.

“I’m moving,” I blurted out.

It reminded me of how Emmett blurted out his secret. Not like I didn’t know he was a wolf, but I had to act surprised. Emmett and I had gotten closer, but I feel horrible. I’m doing this, because of my dad’s plans, but my feelings aren’t fake. I can’t deny I don’t have feelings for Emmett, because he’s my mate.

“What?!” She replied as she looked up at me messing up on her big toe. She had pink nail polish all over it now.

“There’s  a family emergency, and my dad wants us to move. I know I should have told you before…but…urgh! I’m a horrible person, okay?”

“You’re not a horrible person, Julie. I… I just can’t believe you’re leaving. We had so many plans, and now…” She trailed off.

“I know, but that doesn’t mean I can’t visit?” I said trying to cheer her up.

She smiled, “Sure.”

There was a moment of silence before she spoke again, “You remember Zeke?”

I tensed a bit. How could I not? I see him practically every time I go see Emmett.

“What about him? Did he do anything to you? If he ever-“

“Sheesh, calm down. He asked me to be his date for the graduation party!” She squealed.

“What?!” I growled.

I don’t care if he messes with me, because I can handle it. But like I said when he messes with my family or friends, he’s going to get hurt. Plus, I know the only reason why he flirts with Annabelle is just so he can piss me off. Well, it definitely works. I’m pissed off.

“I knew you’d be mad that’s why I didn’t know how to tell you, but why?”

“I can’t tell you at this moment Anna,” I told her.

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