Chapter 34: Complete Chaos.

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So...some of you were shocked & others expected what happened in the last chapter. Anyways, here is the thiry-fourth chapter. I think that -this time- this story is coming to an end. This is NOT the last chapter, but its close.


Everyone's murmuring and chattering in the background had come to a stop as their eyes all flew to me. I bet everyone could hear my heart as it thumped loudly against my chest. Jack burst into a fit of chuckles breaking the ice. "You expect me to believe that you, a mutt killed my beloved mate? Nonsense."

"I did." I replied in a steady voice as I looked him in the eye, not caring that it was called unrespectful to do so to an Alpha. "I killed your beloved mate."

I kept my eyes on Jack the whole time, even as tears formed. It didn't matter, the rain was there to disguise them. I just couldn't bear to glance towards Emmett, because he probably despised me now. Before I knew it, Jack's hand made contact with my cheek. Despite being slapped, I stood my ground and pushed the throbbing pain away.

"It wasn't-" My father began, but was silenced by Ben when Jack signaled him to do so.  His eyes glared daggers at me. "How dare you disgrace your own kind for causing such misfortune on us? Did it even cross your mind how loved and cared for she was? She was an innocent and lovely wolf." 

I gulped as lightning striked at the trees nearby the pack house. I glanced down at my dad who gave me a slight nod, reminding me of what I knew about the 'lovely' luna of the Wolfe Pack. Before I opened my mouth, I willed myself to take a glance at Emmett and if I thought my heart had broken when I saw my dad in his condition, I was wrong. His dark brown hair was mattered down to his skin due to the rain, and his gray eyes left my gaze almost immediately as he glanced down to the floor. I've never seen so much confusion and hurt in him until now. I think seeing him like that was hurting me even more than he was. I knew what I was about to say would only make matters worse, but it had to come out.

"She was anything but innocent."I said, sharply. The rain began to lighten up into a drizzle

"And you're not?" Jack demanded, infuriated.

"I am admitting my mistakes; I am admittting that I am far from innocent. That is something Miranda would never do. Tell me, Alpha, did she ever tell you about her affair?" I spat, venomously. Gasps and shocked facial expressions erupted through the crowd around us.

I held out a hand towards my dad offering him help to stand up. He took it and I let him lean on me as I wrapped my arm around his shoulder. At that moment, Brandon joined us on my dad's other side supporting him as well.

"Lies."  The Alpha shouted. "Miranda was faithful to me as I was to her."

" You and Miranda were never in love. You two were both forced into mates, because you couldn't find yours in time and everyone here knows it but is too afraid to say it." My dad spoke up.

"What would you know, Evans? At that time, you seemed to be in cloud nine with your little human and ignored all your orders as Beta of this pack!"

My eyes wandered through the crowd and stopped when they reached Alec, the new beta of the pack and also the father of Zeke. His whole body was tense and there was fear in his eyes. "Why don't you ask your new trustworthy beta about Miranda's affairs? I'm sure he knows all about them."

Jack desperately turned to Alec for back up. It was clear to everyone that at this point, Jack was in a tough spot. My dad and I were only saying the truth, the truth that all the others were too afraid to ask or talk about. "All they speak of is nonsense, Alec."

Alec merely nodded, not wanting to say anything. If he were to open his mouth, it'd be full of lies. "Miranda was a well-respected Luna, and these rouges were just thirsty and yearning to avenge their human." He said, emphasizing with disgust on the word rouges and human. I scoffed. My father and I are anything but rouges.

"I didn't kill for revenge. I killed her, because I had no choice. She was going to take my father away from me just like you both did with my mother and I wasn't going to let that happen." I defended, as tears blurred my vision. All those years of holding my tears built up and were now bursting out.

"I will not listen to your nonsense no more. Kill the three of them. The turned wolf has no business with our pack any longer." Alpha Jack ordered.

I held my father's hand in mine and sent Brandon an apologetic look. Brandon nodded and sent me a look that read, "If you go down, I'll go down with you." I glanced towards Emmett who was in tears himself. Our eyes met, and he turned his head away once again. He shook his head as if telling himself that none of this was real. Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes waiting for the impact to come.

"NO!" A voice interrupted.

"What now?" I heard Jack mumbled, annoyed. I opened my eyes and glanced around searching for the one who had shouted. My eyes widened, and everyone was in shock of who was defending us.

It was Zeke.

Sorry, this chapter is short but I just had to stop there. I hope you enjoy it & please leave your thoughts below. If you have any questions or are a bit confused at this point, just ask & I'll try my best to answer. Most of them will be answered by the next chapter, though.Sorry, if there are any grammar or spelling errors I haven't edited this yet.

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