Chapter 29: It's The Thought That Counts.

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I'm kind of stuck on this story. I know what I want to happen, its just a matter of how I'm putting them together. Anyways, sorry again for the wait. I really don't know when this story will be ending but I do know it's going to be soon. Please vote & comment. Enjoy! 


This chapter is also short but I wanted to at least have something posted.

We both had to seperate soon because the rain started to pour down harder.I guess I should've listened to the news. He was the first one to get up from the bench and held out his hand. I gladly took it, "where are we going?"

"Back to the school where I parked my car. Here," said Emmett taking off his jacket and draping it over me with a small smile. I laughed, "I'm already drenched."

"It's the thought that counts," he smirked as he pecked my cheek. I playfully rolled my eyes, slightly blushing. He held my hand in his and we both ran from the park to the school parking lot. It was fun, actually. I loved the rain and as a little girl I would always play in it. Then my dad would always joke and tell me that next time it rains, I might as well take some soap and have myself a free shower thanks to mother nature. I never actually did that, even though I did think about it.

Once we got to his car, Emmett opened the door for me and then went to the other side and sat in the driver's seat. We both sighed in relief at the same time. "That was a rush."

"Yeah," I agreed as I turned on the heater.  I couldn't help but shiver at the cold and Emmett's jacket was doing no help either since it was wet as well. I was grateful for it, though, because after all its the thought that counts.  I leaned my head back against the seat, closing my eyes.

A few minutes later, Emmett nudge me. "Hey, we're here."I smiled as I opened my eyes. "I guess I'll see you later."

 "Of course, darling." He replied with a small smile as he brought my hand up to his lips.  I got out of the car and quickly walked to my house. I needed to take a warm shower. The last thing I need now is to get sick. After the shower, I felt reliefed and warm. I was glad that Emmett and I had solved our problems but still felt a small pain in my chest because I still was hiding something from him. I am going to tell him soon, though. I just hope he won't hate me when I tell him.


Brandon slamned the door close as he came in. He went into the kitchen, where I was, and sat on one of the stools staring at me from across the island. He was upset and right now, the only thing that can make him upset besides him being a wolf, is...Annabelle. That's how good I knew him.

"What happened?" I asked as I stopped and grabbed one of the stools, setting it right across from him. Did he tell Annabelle already? My eyes widened a bit, if that was the case...then it didn't go well. Oh go-

"I was talking to Annabelle trying to tell her how I couldn't make it to graduation. She then told me how since me and you  aren't going, that she's happy that Zeke asked her out to go to that graduation party as a date so she wouldn't be a complete loner." Brandon spat, taking deep breaths to calm himself down.

I sighed, remembering the day Annabelle had told me that she was going with Zeke to that party and that I should go with Emmett. I had forgotten all about it until now. I would've thought that she would've canceled it after telling her that I didn't like Zeke for her. Then again, If I were in her shoes, I'd still go out with him. I hate to admit it but Zeke knows how to charm a girl and if that's all Annabelle sees then how could she deny him? She doesn't know him for the true monster she is.

"Now what?" I wondered. What could we do about it? Annabelle seems to determined to give Zeke a try and Brandon can't do anything without his temper taking over. As for me, well I've already tried to tell Annabelle that Zeke isn't right for her.

"I'm going to that party. I'm not going to let Zeke ruin the one thing I care about the most, especially not after he ruined my life!" Brandon growled.

"You can't go, Brandon. You won't be able to control yourself and you'll expose yourself."

"I can't just let him do that!"

"I'll talk to her, okay? I'll try to convince her to not go. And if not, then I'll go to that party and take her home with me."

Brandon looked at me,"Or do you think its time to tell her?"

"Maybe, it is time to tell her," I mumbled still thinking about it. Would she accept us? Brandon and I glanced at each other. We were thinking about the same thing. Well, there's only one way to tell; by actually telling her.

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