Chapter 17: Jealous?

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Okay, well this chapter doesn't really have a name, because it's late where I live and I need to go to sleep asap but I couldn't go to sleep without uploading at least something! Aren't I the best? Just kidding, xD

Anyways, this is mostly a filler chapter.

Please vote and comment!

Oh and on the side>>>

is a picture of the three friends; Anna, Julie, and Brandon.(p.s yes, I did change the cast. it's easier finding pictures of them together.)


“Stop,” I whispered as I closed my eyes, covering them as well with my hands for ‘double’ protection.

“What’s wrong?” He asked, and I knew he was still hovering over me. I knew he was hurt, but I couldn’t help it...

Her laugh echoed once again through the forest, “Oooh Julianna…”

“Just please make it stop,” I muttered having flashbacks of the nightmares I’ve been having lately.

The same one’s that I had a few months back. They used to come every three months or so, but now it comes every week. The closer I get to Emmett, the more I have them. He looks so much like his mot-

“Stop what?” He murmured gently as he tried to remove my hands from my eyes.

I resisted. I couldn’t look into his familiar gray eyes. I have to admit, they were pretty eyes. Rare eyes, too. You don’t usually see them every day…unless people wear contacts. But gray eyes just so happens to be that woman’s eye color as well.

Her eyes were fixed on mine the whole time as I clawed at her. Her beautiful gray eyes…were begging for mercy…mercy that I wouldn’t give…

I felt him pull me onto his lap as he tried to comfort me, “I-I-I…these nightmares, I just don’t know…how to explain.”

He ran his fingers threw my hair, “Do you want to talk about it?”

“Oh, yeah. Sure, I want to tell you all about my nightmares. You know the ones where I’ve killed your mother,” That’s what I wanted to say, but I couldn’t. I just couldn’t.

I shook my head as I buried my head into his chest, “No.”


It was Monday. The last Monday of this year’s school year. Thursday was our graduation. I dreaded today. Annabelle probably wanted an explanation, and so did Brandon. I couldn’t tell both of them. I couldn’t tell either of them, but I knew at this point it was that or losing them.

So what should I do?

I should stall of course!

As I walked towards my locker, I looked down letting my wavy hair fall over my face. I just hoped they wouldn’t see me walking by. I took a deep breath as I opened my lock, and grabbed my books.

Before I could shut my own locker, someone shut it from behind me. I jumped a bit startled, “And how is my girlfriend doing on this lovely day?”

“Emmett,” I breathed, “You scared the wolf out of me!”

“Wolf?” He questioned confused.

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