Congratulations Prefects!

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"Ms. Middlebrook, Mr. Higgs, if you would kindly follow me. Professor McGonagall has requested to see you both at once," Professor Snape drawled. You started at him blankly. What could McGonagall possibly need with you? You weren't a Gryffindor! It made you sick just thinking about it. Snape shot you a warning glance. You sighed and hauled yourself up, allowing him to lead you out of the Slytherin Compartment. Terence Higgs fell into step next to you, as you followed Professor Snape towards the back of the train. You gave him a questioning stare. What the hell is this about? But all he did was shrug.
You reached the end of the narrow corridors, still wondering what you were doing there in the first place. Snape stood in front of you, busying himself with unlocking a separate compartment. The Prefect's Compartment. Realization hit hard. You turned around. Terence's expression must have mirrored your own. Pure shock.
Professor Snape ushered you through the door and you were instantly greeted with stares from 6 other students. Figures, you were late. Terence shifted behind you. Professor McGonagall smiled, gesturing to the last two empty seats. "I would've had them here earlier, Minerva. But Ms. Middlebrook isn't the most cooperative," Snape commented, harshly. You sent a sneer in his direction. Was that really necessary? Calling me out like that?
"That's quite all right, Severus. They're here now and that's what matters," Professor McGonagall replied. You collapsed into a seat as Terence echoed your actions. You felt the familiar sensation that you were being watched. You shifted uncomfortably. Through your peripheral vision, you caught sight of taffy colored curls. You let out an exasperated sigh. Is he purposefully doing this? Why is he just magically every where I am? It's driving me crazy! I feel like I'm being smothered.
As much as you loved your boyfriend, you felt like you were ready to rip your hair out. Cedric was always there when you needed him. He was even there when you didn't. But after spending so much time with him, you felt smothered. It was as if you never had any time to yourself. It felt like he was following you! He just so happened to be everywhere.
You shook your head, instantly ashamed. Cedric wasn't here because he had a choice. He wasn't trying to smother you. This was as much of a surprise to him as it was to you. You weren't being fair. Cedric would do anything for you. And everything he did was in your best interest. Guilt sunk in. You quickly reminded yourself, that as soon as term started you would barely get to see him. Then you would be complaining because you never had enough time with him. Funny how those things seemed to work out.
"You all may be wondering why I've called you here today, but if you know what compartment we are in, then you may have already figured it out," Professor McGonagall started. She looked around the room, giving you all a warm smile. You rolled your eyes, impatiently. "I'm sure you are all aware that we had a very successful graduating class leave us last year. And when they graduated, they took all of our previous Prefects with them. That left us in need of new ones. So, I have hand-selected you 8 to be our newest Prefects. And 2 of you will have the great honor of being Head Boy and Head Girl, that is, after our current ones graduate this year. Congratulations!"
The compartment fell silent, processing everything she had just said. You blinked. A Prefect? It was a lot to take in. You knew your mother would be proud, but your father probably couldn't care less. That's just how it was. Professor McGonagall cleared her throat, regaining your attention. "Tonight, after the Sorting Ceremony, we will be making the announcement. You will all receive your badges from Professor Dumbledore during said Ceremony." You sighed.
Everyone nodded, blankly. You were still having a hard time processing everything that had just happened. You absentmindedly spun the band on your finger. Terence nudged you. You glanced up at him, confused. "Where'd you get that from?" He asked, gesturing to the emerald ring. You fidgeted with it again, biting your lip.
"It was a gift from my Aunt Ella," you lied. The tiny engraving seemed to be burning underneath your skin. Terence wiggled his eyebrows as you scowled at him. Could he tell you were lying? "What?" You snapped.
"Nothing. I just thought maybe you got it from a boy. But not with that attitude," he teased. You sneered, smacking his arm.
"Don't push it, Higgs. Or I may just be in search of a new seeker this season." Terence scowled. He knew the power you had over the Quidditch team. After all, you were the captain. You smirked, innocently.
Professor McGonagall cleared her throat again, after she finished answering all of Percy Weasley's questions. You rolled your eyes. "Thank you for your cooperation and you patience." Her gaze lingered on you for a minute longer than everyone else. "I will see you again tonight at the Ceremony. Until then you are all free to go."
Everyone stood, stretching. It felt as if you had been sitting for an eternity. When it had really only been 20 minutes. You could feel Cedric's stare burning holes into the back of your head. You got the message loud and clear. You leaned against the table, waiting for everyone else to clear out. Terence shot you a confused look. You waved him away, nonchalantly. "I want to talk to Professor McGonagall. I have a few questions of my own. I'll catch up with you in a few minutes." He gave you a suspicious glance, before finally leaving the compartment.
After the door shut behind him, you quickly hurried out the other exit, toward the Hufflepuff compartments. Before you got to close, a hand reached out and pulled you into an empty room. Cedric. You gave him the biggest smile you could muster.
"I'm not stupid, (Y/N)! Even a fool could see that smile is as fake as it could possibly get." You sighed, collapsing onto the bench. Cedric sat down next to you, squeezing your knee. Your heart raced from the sudden contact. "Tell me what's wrong."
You exhaled. You could feel the train loosing speed. You were getting closer to Hogwarts. You didn't have time to have a full heart-to-heart conversation right this minute. Let alone feel like having one. You sighed. "Not now. Terence is going to get suspicious if I'm not back soon. We don't really have time." Cedric let out a puff of air.
"Fine. But we're going to talk about this, weather you want to or not. What do you say we have one more Midnight Meeting before term officially starts?" Cedric grinned. You shrugged, averting your eyes. His face fell. You could sense the hurt you'd caused him. "(Y/N)? Baby? What's wrong?" He asked gently. You stood. He echoed your movements. He reached for your hand, but you pulled back. He frowned, clearly hurt.
"I'm sorry, Ced. I don't really feel like talking right now. I'll see you tonight. Midnight." And with that, you walked out of the compartment, leaving him stunned. You didn't now what came over you. But it was certainly uncalled for. You hurried back towards the Slytherin car, where Terence was waiting for you, impatiently.
You nodded, signaling for him to go in. He opened the door, strutting in, confidently. You followed behind him, rolling you (E/C) eyes, again. The minute he flung open the door, the entire car was on their feet, applauding. You smirked as everyone shouted in unison. "Congratulations Prefects!"

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