My Baby Is More Important!

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             Cedric took your hand as he pulled you onto the Platform 9 3/4. You inhaled sharply as Amos Diggory came into view. You sent one last glance at Matt, who was disappearing through the barrier with Adrian and Terence. They had insisted that you to go with Cedric and make sure that Cho didn't make any moves on your boyfriend.
              "Don't worry, baby, they'll take good care of him. He'll be just fine and you know he wouldn't want you to worry about him," Cedric whispered as he followed your gaze. You nodded and continued walking. You were shaking with fear.
             "This isn't going to work out Cedric! This isn't going to work!" You sighed as your boyfriend tightened his grip.
             "It will! Trust me! I promise that everything will work out! Just relax!" Cedric pleaded as you neared the spot where Amos Diggory was standing.
             "Cedric! Son! Are you read-" Amos Diggory started but quickly cut himself off as his eyes fell onto yours and Cedric's intertwined hands.
             "Hello Father! We're ready to go! Where's Cho?" Cedric asked ignoring his father's obvious concern. You bit your lip as you squeezed your boyfriend's hand harder. Cedric rubbed circles into your knuckles as Mr. Diggory began to frown.
             "We? What do you mean by we?" Mr. Diggory asked sharply as his frown deepened. Cedric stared at his father his face full defiance. You began to shake more violently.
             "Yeah. We. I invited (Y/N) to stay with us over the summer holiday. I suspect you heard about what happened to her father?" Cedric replied. Amos Diggory winced again as he looked down at yours and Cedric's intertwined hands.
             "We don't have enough bedrooms, I'm sorry Cedric," Mr. Diggory countered as he provided his son with a mock look of apology.
How fake could he get?
             "That's alright, we've already solved that problem! We'll just sleep together," Cedric smirked as his Mr. Diggory's mouth fell open. This wasn't going well at all.
              "I really don't think that that's such an appropriate idea-" Mr. Diggory began as he scowled but Cedric cut him off before he could finish his sentence.
             "Please! Let's go! The train ride was exhausting and I'd like to get my baby settled in as quickly as possible!" Cedric interrupted as he looked at his father expectantly. Amos Diggory sighed annoyed but held out his hand for his son to take.
             You grabbed hold of your trunk as the world around you began to spin violently and in seconds you were transported to a small country house. Cedric smiled at you as he took out his wand and lifted your bags into the air. He held onto your hand and rushed you into the house and up the stairs to his room. You smiled up at him lovingly.
             He held open the door for you as you made your way into the bedroom. It was as large as you own but it looked much different. The walls were pained black but colorful pictures hung from them, making the room look much brighter.
             His bed was pushed against the wall and you noticed the covers matched the colors of his house. Hufflepuff. Cedric set your trunk down along with his own and closed the door behind himself. He led you towards the bed as you stared at the pictures on his wall. Practically all of them were of you or the two of you together.
             You smiled as hundreds of moving pictures trigged hundreds of vivid memories. He wrapped his arms around you as continued to stare at a picture of yourself dressed in emerald green Quidditch robes.
             A knock on the door startled you out of your daze as Cedric got up to answer it. He pulled the door open, only to come face to face with his father.
             "Dinner will be ready at 6:30 and the Chang family will be arriving at 6:15," Mr. Diggory stated as he stared at you with deep hatred. You inhaled sharply.
             "Oh, you won't need to make us dinner, Father. I'm going to take (Y/N) for a picnic out by the lake tonight," Cedric replied simply. You winced. He was going to make his father even more angry than he already was. Great. That's exactly what you needed.
             "Cedric? My son? May I speak to you in the hall?" Mr. Diggory asked as he stepped out of the doorway to let his son pass.
             You stayed seated on Cedric's bed but their conversation was impossible not to overhear even when you tried to ignore them. Could it get any worse?
             "You're staying here for dinner! We're having company and I won't have you ruining our family's name for a picnic! You're going to show up and you're going to like it! Cho has been looking forward to this!"
               "I don't care! My baby is more important! I wish you would stop trying to meddle in my relationship! I did what you asked! Okay! I cheated on my girlfriend! I kissed Cho and I thought it might work out! But I was wrong! (Y/N) found out and that was one of the worst mistakes I've ever made! She forgave me but I haven't forgiven myself in the least! I broke her heart and that's not okay! So I'm taking my girlfriend out to dinner tonight and I don't give a damn about how disappointed the Chang family is that I'm not there! We have all holiday to eat dinner together but tonight I get to have dinner with my baby girl!" Cedric yelled.
               "She's not your baby, Cedric! I mean look at her! This is (Y/N) Middlebrook we're talking about! She may say that she loves you but she's lying to you! She doesn't love you and she never will! Look at her! This is Hogwarts' supposed Queen of Slytherin and you think you stand a chance with a girl like her? Your dreaming! She's going to grow up just like all those rich girls do and she's going to leave you behind! She's going to get married to a man with a lot of power! She's not going to marry for love! She's going to marry for money! She's going to break your heart! And I'm going to be here to pick up the pieces! You need to marry a girl like Cho! A girl with a pure heart and a nice family!" Mr. Diggory insisted. What the hell did hell just say?
               You balled your hands into fists. How dare he tell Cedric that you didn't love him! You had underestimated Mr. Diggory's hatred for you by a mile. Your anger seethed as you waited for Cedric's reply.
               "You know what? You're right! I do need to marry a girl with a pure heart! And that's exactly why I'm with (Y/N)! I'm sorry if you can't see what I see but that's your problem! Not mine! And don't you ever insult my girlfriend again! Now if you'll excuse me I'd much rather spend my summer with someone who loves and understands me," Cedric screamed as the door flung open again and then slammed shut. This was going to be one  hell of a Holiday.

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