Three Drops Of Veritaserum

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You prayed Snape wouldn't notice as you filled the tiny vial with the serum. Terence stood at the front of the room, distracting the professor. He wasn't happy about the fact that you were dating a Hufflepuff but he had come to terms with it, just barely. You pushed the cork cap into the neck of the bottle, shoving it in the pocket of your robes, and quickly giving Terence the all clear. You glanced back at Cedric nervously and he winked reassuringly. You nodded, sucking in a shaky breath. Everything went smoothly.
It was just last night that you had broken up with your boyfriend and then realized you had made the biggest mistake of your life. You had gotten back together within hours after you both had suffered from excruciating heartbreak. But that didn't change the fact that you wanted to know exactly what he was thinking that night. You believed he loved you. And you loved him. That was the only thing you were completely sure of. But what you weren't sure of was why he felt the need to flirt with other girls. He said you were all he ever wanted. All he could ever ask for. But you never seemed to be enough.
You and Ced sat in the middle of the hallway until 4 AM, talking. He would lean over to kiss you and apologize every 5 minutes but he knew what you were thinking. He knew exactly what you were thinking. How could he not? He always knew. No matter what.

"I know what you're thinking. I know you want to know what I was thinking tonight. But, baby, you know that no matter what answer I give you, you're not going to completely believe me. It won't matter if I'm telling you the truth or not. (Y/N), can you look me straight in the eye and honestly tell me that you'll believe everything I say?" You averted your eyes. What was the point? Your boyfriend was an expert at reading people. He had a talent for it. You sighed.
"Why do you ask questions you already know the answers to, Ced?" A small smile tugged on his lips as he leaned over to kiss you again. You grinned slightly.
"I don't know how to put your mind at ease. I don't want us to have this strain on our relationship. We made crazy decisions breaking up and then getting back together. I don't want to be the couple that's always on and off because of stupid drama. I want to be the couple that other people envy. Are love is strong enough to do that but we have to learn how to control all of this nonsense and other crap we go through. I hate seeing you upset. So, you tell me how I can prove that you're the only one for me and I'll do it." The look in his eyes was so genuine but you needed more than that. You needed the truth.
"Veritaserum. Tomorrow in potions we're brewing Veritaserum. If I could get a bottle of it, would you take it?" He frowned but nodded his head slowly.
"Anything for you. Anything to help put your mind at ease. Anything to make you happy. And if this is how you want me to prove my love for you then I'll do it." You smiled and leaned into him. On instinct, his arm was immediately wrapped around your waist. You sighed as he cradled you in his arms. This was the comfort you needed.
"I don't ever want to break up again. I don't want to fight with you. I just want us to have a normal relationship. I just want us to focus on our love. Nothing else matters," you mumbled into his arm. He smiled.
"I couldn't have agreed more. You're the one for me (Y/N). I don't want to lose you and I'm going to make sure I never do. I don't think I could handle it. I love you, baby."

End of Flashback

The book said that three drops of Veritaserum would be enough to last for an entire 2 hours. That was more than enough time. Cedric decided it would be best to meet after the first Quidditch game. That gave you 1 week to prepare for the answers you were going to receive. And you hoped they wouldn't disappoint you. They better not disappoint you. You couldn't handle it if they did.
"Did you get enough of it?" Terence whispered as he slid back into his seat next to you. You rolled your eyes but you couldn't stop the grin from spreading to your features.
"Terence, if I didn't get the amount I needed, would I have given you the all clear sign?" He thought for a moment, faking a look of confusion. You sighed, annoyed.
"No. I suppose you wouldn't have. When are you going to do it? Can I come?" You scowled at his sudden curiosity in your personal business. You cracked your knuckles slowly. Why was he meddling?
"No! Of course not! We're doing it the night after the 1st Quidditch game. And you can't come because it's a private matter. This is between Cedric and I. You have nothing to do with any of it," you whispered, making sure no one around you was listening in. Your father could not find out about this. You turned to look at your boyfriend, who glanced at Terence and shot you a questioning look. You sighed and rolled your eyes again.
Cedric hadn't been happy that you had told Terence about your relationship. He saw Terence as a threat. He saw him as another boy trying to steal his girlfriend away. When he brought this to your attention you quickly reminded him about Hannah. And Cindy. That had been the end of that conversation.
"Oh! I see! Private matters, huh?You don't want me to come because you're planning on making out with him!" You scowled again, elbowing him in the ribs, hard. He winced but the grin stayed plastered on his face.
"I do not! I just don't want anyone else hearing these answers! It's my business not yours. You don't need to be there under any circumstances." He smirked and wiggled his eyebrows, causing you to frown. Maybe it had been a mistake to tell Terence about your relationship. You shot one more glance at Cedric. His entire expression seemed to scream I told you so! You scowled and turned back around. This was going to be a long week.

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