I Told You Not To Go!

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             "Lay him down here! Did you check his pulse? Is he still breathing? Oh My God! Please tell me he'll be alright! Matt get a wet towel! Make sure it's warm! Oh God! The bleeding's not stopped! Matt hurry!" You exclaimed, as the boys rushed Cedric into your room.
             Adrian and Terence set him down on your bed, panting from exhaustion. Adrian looked around the room, confused. "Where are all your roommates?"
             "Dumbledore thought it would be best if I had a dorm to myself, that way no one would question all of my bruises or why I sneak out at night," you added quietly, sending a longing glance in your boyfriends direction.
             Matt rushed out of the bathroom and handed you a wet towel. You took it and sat down next to Cedric, pressing it gently to his forehead, which was covered in blood. You added pressure to the wound trying to get the bleeding to stop, as you stroked his taffy colored locks, willing him to wake up. Terence sighed behind you.
             "He wanted to protect you. That's why he went. He wanted to make sure that Potter never laid another hand on you again. It wasn't supposed to be the other way around. I can't believe Wood did that. I know he's hot headed but he could've killed Diggory!" Terence whispered as you continued to stare at your boyfriend's closed eyes.
             He was still breathing but you didn't know what such a serious head injury would do to him in the long run. You couldn't take him down to Madam Pomfrey. She would've asked to many questions. Questions you couldn't answer. You felt a tear slip down your cheek as you stared at your baby's blank face.
             "I know. Can we please be alone right now? I don't think I can...I'm sorry...Please...Just go...I'll see you in the morning..." You sobbed as you wiped a few of your tears off of Cedric's cheek. The boys nodded and filed out of the room, closing the door behind them.
             You laid your head on Cedric's chest. It was becoming too much for you to handle. What if he never woke up? Or what if he woke up and didn't remember anything? The thought of losing him to amnesia hit you hard. You sobbed harder. Your entire body shaking with worry. You sat there for hours, praying that he would wake up.
             "You really mustn't cry! I hate seeing my baby girl so upset! I'd much rather see her beautiful smile!" He croaked out as his hand traveled down your back.
             Your head shot up immediately as you stared into his pale eyes. He gave you a weak smile and you began to sob harder. He was okay. He had woken up. And he remembered. He remembered everything. His hand cradled your cheek as he pulled you closer to him. You exhaled as you sobbed into him.
             "I was so scared you wouldn't wake up! Oliver could've killed you! Oh Cedric! I told you not to go! Oh My God!" You cried, clutching onto him, tightly. He grunted but wrapped a protective arm around you.
               "Baby! You know there was nothing you could've said that would've kept me from going. I got a bit beat up but that's alright. I'm safe and I'm still alive. Please don't cry, my love. Everything's okay!" He whispered. You nodded, still holding him tightly.
             "I'm just glad you're still alive and not suffering from amnesia. There was so much blood. Oliver's in the Hospital Wing. Fred and George took him down there after we left." You replied solemnly.
             "Why? What happened to him? I didn't even touch him!" Cedric exclaimed in shock. You averted your eyes.
               "I may or may not have broken his ankle after he bashed your head into the floor. He's really upset because they have their next Quidditch match in a week."
             Cedric sighed as he held you. Feeling slightly guilty, you pressed your lips to his. He smiled into the kiss as shoved his tongue through your lips. You shivered and pulled him closer, your hand slipping beneath his cotton t-shirt. He smiled again, pulling back.
               "Hey baby? Where am I?" He asked looking around you room. You sat up, adjusting yourself on the bed.
               "You're in my room. I didn't want to take you to the Hospital Wing because Madam Pomfrey would've asked too many questions. But I don't know how to fix the wound on your forehead. That won't be easy to hide," You whispered quietly.
               "It's alright, I'll just say I ran into a wall or something. But we have more serious issues to worry about. I'm in the Slytherin dormitories. I can't stay here, baby!" You sighed exasperated and kicked off your shoes. You pulled back the emerald green blankets and settled down next to him. He looked at you in utter confusion.
               "I have a private dormitory. There are 2 ways in and out. I can either go through the Common Room or there's a secret passage way. Dumbledore suggested I use it when I sneak out to see you so no one would know about our relationship. I want you to stay here tonight. Just so I can make sure you're okay. In the morning we can just take the other way out and no one will ever know you were here. Simple," you stated nonchalantly.
               "You never wanted us to sleep together before, even in the astronomy tower. What changed your mind?" He asked smirking. You scoffed impatiently.
               "It's not like we're doing anything we shouldn't be doing and I want to make sure that you're not going to die in your sleep or anything," you replied shortly.
               He smirked again but snuggled deeper under the comforters. He wrapped his arm around you, kissing your head. You leaned into him as you began to drift off to sleep. It seemed that you always slept better when he was next to you.

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