Diggory, Don't You Think It's A Bit Soon?

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               "Where the hell have you two been? And why the hell are you soaking wet! Oh God! You were outside?!" Adrian shouted as you stumbled back into your room.
               "Oh My God! No Adrian! There was just a sudden rainstorm inside the castle and that's why we're soaking wet!" You shot back sarcastically as Cedric began peeling off his wet robes. Behind Adrian, Terence stood shaking his head, smirking.
               "I told you they were just out having a bit of fun didn't I? You know after Diggory made out with Chang he had to make it up to his true love at some point! Why's your ring glowing (Y/N/N)?"
               You looked down at the ring on your finger and then over at your boyfriend, who was shaking the water droplets out of his hair. He sent you a sideways glance and smiled at you. Terence shook his head in disbelief as he gasped in shock.
               "You can't be serious! He proposed? Diggory, don't you think it's a bit soon? I mean you're only 16 years old for God's sake!" Adrian roared. You through your head back in a fit of laughter as Cedric began to chuckle.
               "Why is it that you two are such stupid idiots? No! He didn't propose! Yet! He enchanted my ring so that it's glows as long as his heart loves me!" You laughed.
               "Sorry boys, you'll have to wait a little while longer for your wedding invitation! But when it does come I hope you two will consider being my best men?" Cedric asked as he emerged from the bathroom with a few towels. He held one out to you and you took it gratefully, drying your hair.
               Adrian and Terence exchanged looks as they began to grin. You rolled your eyes as you untied the cloak around your neck, letting it fall to the ground.
               "As much I love the company of my two favorite brothers I'm going to kindly ask you to escort yourselves put of my room," you commented as you began to shove Terence toward the door. Adrian looked at you in surprise but got up and followed.
               "Goodnight, (Y/N/N)! Sleep well! We love you! You too Diggory! Except the part where we said we loved you because-" You slammed the door in Adrian's  face making Cedric cackle lightly.
               "Now that we're alone I was thinking that we could get to that part where we snuggled in bed for hours," Cedric whispered as he pulled you closer.
               "Not what I had in mind but after what happened tonight I think it would do us both some good to get some rest. Let me go change," you replied as you slipped into the bathroom with a fresh pair of clothes.
               You leaned against the countertop in the bathroom and started at yourself in the mirror. Your long (H/C) cascaded down your back, sticking tightly to your sopping wet clothes. Your (E/C) looked exhausted as you began to peel of your damp robes.
               Slipping into your dressing gown, you quickly made your back into your room, finding your boyfriend already under the covers of your bed. He smiled at you as he gestured to the spot next to him. You sighed and walked toward the bed.
               "You look absolutely exhausted!" Cedric pointed out as you climbed onto the mattress next to him, rolling your eyes.
               "Well, let's see, I had the biggest Quidditch Match of the season today, and then I found out that my boyfriend kissed another girl! And you think I'm not going to be exhausted?" You asked as you sank into the pillows that lined your headboard.
               "I know! I'm so sorry! And to answer your question I was at the match! I watched you the entire time and you played beautifully! I can't believe you didn't win!"
"I didn't play well enough! I could've done so much better! And now we've lost the Quidditch Cup!" You cried as Cedric shifted to get closer. He intertwined your fingers and kissed each of your knuckles.
"Don't say that my love! It had nothing to do with the way you played! It was Malfoy! He created to many fouls!"
"I wanted to win so bad! And look how horribly I played!" You sighed.
"This is all my fault! I'm sorry (Y/N)! This is all my fault!" Cedric cried.
"Why are you saying that? Why the hell would any of this be your fault Ced?" You asked exasperatedly as you sank father down under the covers and snuggled into your boyfriend's chest. He followed your actions as his arms wrapped themselves around you. It was hard to forget what he had done.
               "Because if I hadn't had doubts and kissed Cho you wouldn't have been so disgusted and disappointed and maybe you would've been more focused!"
               "That had nothing to do with you! I have to admit I was hurt but I forget all of that during a match! You know that! Cedric! We have been fighting so much lately! I hate that we can't work this out!"
               "Tell me, baby girl! What do you want to do about it? Tell me and I'll do it! I'll do anything for you!" He replied.
               "I don't know! I just want to have a relationship where we're not fighting and where we're not hiding our love for each other! It's too much pressure!"
               "Alright here's what we'll do! The year is almost over and then when we get a chance next term we'll let the secret out! We'll be able to hold hands in the halls, sit together in class, go on dates in Hogsmeade Village!"
               You sighed heavily and pulled the blanket around you tightly. Cedric kissed your forehead and nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck making you smile.
               "You still love me don't you? We're still doing alright? I just feel like you're so mad and don't want to be with me," Cedric replied in a depressed tone as he sighed.
               "Cedric! If I didn't love you would o be sleeping in the same bed as you and letting you kiss me constantly? Would I be wearing this ring?" You asked gesturing to the emerald on you ring finger as Cedric smiled.

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