I Know But I Want To Compete!

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"The password to your new dorm is firewhiskey. Mr. Diggory, I'd imagine that you'll be able to find it quite easily. It's just two left turns down from the Hufflepuff Dormitories. As for the dorm itself, Head Boy and Girl are expected to share a living commons. And given the state of your relationship with one another I don't think that'll be much of a problem. Now, we have made some adjusments to the dorm, as we do every year, to fit each specific pair of students. So, I hope that you enjoy the redecorating job and I'll send you on your merry way," Dumbledore finished with a twinkle of hope gleaming in his eyes.
You and Cedirc nodded as you left the Great Hall and began to walk back towards your new dormitory. He stayed silent the entire time as you followed him back through the empty and dimly lit corridors. You were dying for him to turn around and say something. Aything. But he never even glanced in your direction. Your heart was breaking.
He came to an abrupt stop in front of a portrait. A portrait of your mother. You almost screamed out in pain as Cedric mumbled the password. The painting swung open and you quickly ducked inside, not able to handle the memories of what your father had done.
The common room was signifactly smaller than those of the House Dormitories but you felt instantly at home. A crackling fire burned in the hearth, surrounded by black leather couches and a steardy coffee table. A staircase led up to what you assumed to be the bedrooms. Cedric stayed silent as he took the stairs two at a time, you following close behind.
The right hand side of the dorm opened up to a study, complete with two desks, shelves lined with books, and windows that provided you with a gorgeous view of the lake. Your turned to the left and opened the door, finding a large bedroom. A king sized bed sat pushed against the far wall and another seating area was positioned on the opposite wall. You looked around, only finding one bed. Oh My God! Dumbledore had done this on purpose.
Cedric sighed heavily as he peeked into the room from behind you. He shook his head and started back down the stairs.
"You can have the bed, I'll sleep on the couch down here," He mumbled as he collapsed onto the leather couch. You ran down the stairs after him, tears falling down your cheeks in heartbreak.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" You shouted as you stopped in front of him. He looked up at you with a tired expression but when he noticed your tears, his face immediately softened to a look of concern. He stood up and enveloped you in a tight embrace.
"God! Why am I so stupid?! I'm so sorry, baby! Please forgive me?!" Cedric pleaded as he held you to him. You sighed and pushed him away.
"Just tell me what's going on! Cedric I don't get it! We were fine on the train and right after the incident with Cho you shut down on me! What the hell?"
"I know! And I'm sorry! It's just when you lashed out on her like that...I don't know! I've never seen you like that! I know you're strong willed but I didn't know you...baby...I...I just completely lost it! Honestly, it was kind of terrifying to watch!"
"And that's any excuse to ignore me?" You shot back as Cedric hung his head in defeat. You sighed and wrapped your arms around his torso again.
"What are we doing, baby? I don't want to fight!" He pleaded as he kissed the top of your head, lovingly. You nodded slowly.
"I don't either! Honestly, it's like wherever we go, drama's not far behind!" You exclaimed as you leaned into him.
"But I wouldn't change it for the world! I love you (Y/N) and I'm sorry I was so awful to you! You're the only good thing in my life and I need you! I can't believe I treated you like that! I'm so sorry, baby!"
"I forgive you but don't do anything stupid like that again! Talk to me next time," You pleaded as Cedric gripped your hands in his tightly.
"I won't! I promise! I'm so sorry! Let me make it up to you," He replied as he grinned and dragged you upstairs and into your room. You shot him a questioning look before he picked you up and threw you onto the bed. It felt like you were laying on a cloud.
You kicked off your shoes as he climbed on top of you and kissed you passionately. You smiled as you removed his robes and removed his tie carefully. He sat back and unbuttoned his shirt as you pulled your own top over your head. He threw your clothes to the side and tackled you back down onto the mattress. You laughed just as his lips hit yours again.
His tongue moved it's way into your mouth as you sighed with pleasure. He smirked into the kiss as he sat up again and pressed your chests together. He pulled you onto his lap and tilted your head back so that he had better access to your neck.
His lips traveled up and down your throat and across your collarbone as you shivered from his closeness. It had been awhile since you had actually made out.
The clock chimed Midnight somewhere in the distance, causing you to pull back abruptly. Cedric stared at you with a look of disappointment before he got up and pulled back the covers on the bed, allowing you to slip under them. He sighed as he settled in next to you, his arms wrapping around your waist.
"I don't know if I like the idea of the Triwizard Tournament. I think it's a fascinating idea but it sounds so dangerous! I wouldn't want to do it," You mumbled as sleep settled into your head.
"I think you'd be good at it!" Your boyfriend replied as he buried his face into the crook of your neck, sleepily. You yawned and shook your head.
"It's just so dangerous and I wouldn't want to risk getting hurt just for some money, glory and a spot in the Daily Prophet." You stated as you closed your eyes gently.
"I know but...I...um...I want...I want to compete!" Cedric blurted out quickly. Just as you were about to fall asleep, your eyes popped back open. He was joking right?!

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