But I May Have Kissed Her...

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"What are you talking about, baby! It's me! Cedric! Your boyfriend!" He replied, smiling weakly as he reached for your hand. You glared at him as you snatched your fingers away from his hopeful grasp.
"You're also the boyfriend who stood me up on a day I needed you most! You stood me up for another girl! I saw you and Cho!" You shouted as tears blurred your eyes.
Cedric shook his head rapidly as you lifted yourself off then bed, away from him. He bit his lip trying not to cry.
"It wasn't what it looked like! I swear! Please, my love! Come here! I didn't cheat! I would never! Please, let me hold you!"
"Then why were you holding her hand? Cedric! Today was the Quidditch Final! Did you even show up for the match or were you to busy making out with Cho?!"
"(Y/N)! I love you! My lips have never touched another girl's in 2 years and they never will! Do you know why? Because you're the only girl I will ever need or want to kiss! And I mean that! Especially after I make you my wife! Why don't you get that!"
"Maybe because you continue to break my trust! You know I love you but why is it that I always see you in some kind of intimate situation with other girls!" You asked, shortly. You wanted to trust him but he was making him extremely hard.
Cedric averted his eyes, shamefully. You scoffed and walked toward your wardrobe. You pulled out and emerald green top and your cloak and quickly put them on. You started towards the door causing Cedric to look up quickly. He shook his head and stood up. Fear was written all over face.
"Where are you going?" He asked as he began to walk toward you. Shaking you glared at him, making his stagger backwards, hurt. You weren't ready to make up.
"I don't know! Anywhere but here! I don't think I can look at you for a minute longer! And I wouldn't expect me back tonight!" You sighed as you reached for the handle, but his hand intercepted your path as he grabbed your hand in his.
"Please! Don't say that! You know I'll worry about you! And Sirius Black is still out there! It's not safe! Come on, baby! Let's just talk this out and then we can put this all behind us and snuggle in bed like we always do!" Cedric pleaded as he tried to pull you closer to him.
"Alright, let's talk, but if I here something I don't like, I can't promise you I'll still be your baby after it's over! Now let's hear this excuse of yours!" You replied.
Cedric let go of your hand and walked over to his robes, which had been abandoned on your couch. He pulled a small vial of serum out of the pockets and handed it to you. You stared at him in utter confusion. Why did you need a serum?
"It's our left over Veritaserum, from last year, when you needed proof that I wasn't cheating on you. Well, here's more proof for you," he sighed as he handed you the bottle. You bit your lip nervously.
"Fine! But you better hope to God that I don't find something that'll make me leave!" You retorted as you took your cloak off again. What were you doing?
Cedric took your hand in his and led you towards the fireplace. He sat down on the ground and stared up at you. You frowned, confused. What was he doing?
"I want to do this like we did the first time. Please?" He asked in desperation as he gestured to his lap. You frowned again but carefully lowered yourself onto him.
"Are you ready?" You asked as you pulled the cork out of the vial. You could feel your hands shaking with fear. The question was, were you ready?
"Do I get a kiss before we begin? Something to ease my nerves?" He asked as he leaned toward you expectantly.
"I think you'll be fine without one. Now can we start?" You asked impatiently as your held up the vial again.
"I know you're mad but I'm begging you to kiss me!" He pleaded as he laid his hands on you cautiously. You bit your lip. You were terrified out of your mind.
"Give me one reason why I should!" You whispered softly as you stared down at his hands unsurely. He sighed and tightened his grip. You could feel his fear.
"Because I know you love me! And I also know that you know that I love you! You can ask me anything and I will be rendered powerless to keep from avoiding the question! The least you can do is give me a kiss before we start," Cedric whispered. You sighed but leaned in slowly. He held his breath as you moved closer. Your lips brushed over his in a quick fleeting motion but it was enough.
He nodded and you poured 3 drops of the serum into his open mouth. He looked at you one last time before his eyes became dilated and the serum took over. You inhaled sharply and without thinking, wrapped your fingers around his biceps.
"Are you cheating on me with Cho Chang?" You asked softly, dreading the answer you might hear from him. His eyes flashed as the serum forced him to tell the truth. You were as scared as hell.
"No, I'm not cheating on you! But, I may have kissed her," Cedric choked out as tears began to slip from his eyes. Your heart stopped as you stared at him blankly.
"You kissed her? I...Um...Did...Did you like it? Is that why you were holding hands?" You asked trying to keep your voice from cracking.
"I...Well...I guess I did...I suppose I like it...but yes....that's why we were holding hands," Cedric whimpered weakly. You choked back tears as you nodded.
"Does this mean that you've fallen in love with her?" You asked as tears began to pour down your cheeks.
"No! Of course not! I thought that maybe I liked her for a minute, all I kept thinking about was what my father had said. I know it's stupid but I just couldn't drive the thought from my mind! I didn't tell you I was having doubts about our relationship because I wasn't sure myself! And I know that it was wrong of me to go and kiss her but I had to know what I really felt in my heart. I have to admit I liked the kiss but it wasn't like it was with you. I was holding her hand because I thought for a moment that maybe she was the one I was meant to be with but the minute I saw you, I forgot about all of it. I love you! I want to marry you! And I'm so sorry but you have to know that I love you," he cried as he looked at you desperately.
You knew that he was telling the truth but that didn't make the truth any easier. He had just told you that for the first time in his life he had doubted his love for you. The serum began to wear off and he shook his head, trying to clear the fog.
You didn't know what to do but you sure as hell didn't want to talk about it. Not now. Cedric still loved you but you didn't know how you could ever trust him. You needed to be alone. You needed time to think. Without saying anything, you got up, grabbed your cloak, and rushed out of the dormitories.

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