Stay Away From Him! He's Mine!

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"You look absolutely radiant today! I can't imagine anything or anyone on this entire planet more beautiful than you! Tell me, baby, how did I get so lucky?" Cedric asked as he tucked a white rose behind your ear and kissed each one of your knuckles. You smiled as you averted your eyes. Cedric pulled you closer as you stood underneath the shade of his maple tree, overlooking the most beautiful rose garden you had ever seen.
"What's your angle, Diggory?" You teased playfully as Cedric smiled and guided your left hand up to his shoulder. He shook his head and set his right hand on your waist. You stared into his eyes as he intertwined your fingers together.
"I have no angle! Why do you always assume I have an angle to these kind of things! Can't we just enjoy some time together? Now, dance with me," He whispered as he clasped your hand in his own tightly. You looked around in utter confusion.
"Cedric, love, there's no music," you stated simply as Cedric's firm grip on your slim hand only tightened itself. He smiled as he stared down at you. His eyes sparkled with love as he lost himself in your eyes.
"We don't need music to dance with each other! Just follow my lead," He insisted as he held your hand tightly and began to hum. You couldn't help the smile from spreading over your face as you waltzed through the garden in his lawn.
Cedric spun your through the rose gardens as your white dress twirled behind you. He started down at you as he continued to lead the waltz. You followed his every move in perfect synchronization as he you danced along with him. You threw your head back in laughter as the sun illuminated your beauty. Your thick (H/C) hair flew around you as Cedric picked you up and spun you around. He set you back down a pressed your foreheads together gently.
He kissed your lips softly just as the sprinklers turned themselves on, drenching you in ice cold water. You looked around and smiled as Cedric's hands held tightly to your waist. You laid your head on his chest as you stared out at the roses.
"Brings back a few memories doesn't it?" He asked quietly as the water began to soak his white dress shirt. You nodded, feeling the chiffon of your dress becoming heavier with each passing second.
"Thank you, Ced! I mean really! For this whole thing! Planned or not! You've given me so many memories that I will cherish for the rest of my life!" You exclaimed as you pulled back to look your boyfriend in the eye. He smiled down at you and pressed his lips back against your own.
"The pleasure is all mine! But make no mistake, the memories we've made together, are far from over! They're just beginning! We have our whole lives ahead of us!" Cedric shouted as he picked your up abruptly and threw you into the air.
You screamed in delight as you fell back into his ready arms. He spun you around again and kissed you roughly. You laughed as he set you back down and kissed you again. Your fingers intertwined with his just as he pulled away quickly.
"Go on inside and wash up, I need to run up to the village and get something but I promise I'll be home before dinner tonight!" He sighed as he unknotted your fingers. You frowned at him but nodded slowly, although extremely confused.
"You're going in wet clothes?" You asked suspiciously as he sent you his infamous award winning smile.
"Don't worry about me, baby! I'll dry off on the walk to the village! I'll miss you and I'll be thinking about you every second! Now go get cleaned up," He insisted as he pushed you back towards the house. You sent him one last glance before hurrying inside.
You stepped into the bathroom and peeled off your sticky dress which was no drenched in water from the sprinklers. You turned on the shower as you hung up your sopping white dress.
The shower was steaming by the time you stepped out of it and into the cool air of Cedric's bathroom. You peeked at the clock as you wrapped a bath towel around your body. It was nearly dinner time. Cedric should be back soon. And the sooner the better.
You shrugged on a strapless green dress that stopped just above your knee. You dried off your wet hair and walked back into Cedric's room only to have your spirits crushed in sudden rage.
Cho was standing in front of the mirror holding one of your black dresses against her body as she admired herself. She turned as you entered the room.
"Oh! Well don't you look just as hideous as ever!" Cho commented as she eyed the white rose still stuck in your hair. You scowled in disgust as you snatched your dress away from her. She sneered at you as you folded it up again.
"Save it for someone who cares, Chang! Why the hell are you here? What do you want?" You spat as she smiled at you with a look of mock innocence.
"Nothing! Nothing at all! I just wanted to give you a little bit of a wake up call! I wanted to help you see the truth about yourself! Cedric is trying to spare your pathetic little feelings but we all know what he really thinks of you and it's not good! You're nothing but a stuck up rich kid who can't handle not getting her way! You think your so popular and that you deserve a guy like Cedric Diggory but you don't! I do! You're going to break his heart one day and I'll be there to pick up all the pieces! Stay away from him! He's mine! And if you don't, well, let's just say that there will be hell to pay! Tata! Your Highness!" Cho taunted as she skipped out of your room.
You stared after her ready to hit something. And hit it hard. You could only imagine wrapping your hands around her throat. She thought she could play dirty? Ha! She hadn't seen anything!

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