Will's Date

981 35 33

This occurs before Will and Horace resolved the issues between them from childhood. still putting Gilan in here though. and Evanlynn. dont judge me. im wierd

Theresa Carter has a new status update.  Can't wait for our date later, Will! ;)♥♥♥♥

George: What?!?! My sister has a date? Who is this kid?
Will: Me either, Theresa! ;)
George: I should've known.
Theresa: Yes George, you should've. You've known about my crush on Will for years.
Alyss: Well it only took you guys long enough, and George, no need to be so protective.
Horace: You all are confusing me.
Cora: Anyone see my copy of The Hobbit?
Will: No clue, sorry Cora.
Horace: Nope, last time I saw it, you were reading it at breakfast.
Alyss: I haven't seen it anywhere.
George: I haven't seen it either, but we can get you a new one after dinner later if you want.
Alyss: Well Horace, looks like we are the only ones not being social tonight.
Horace: Actually, I have a date with Evanlynn. She is getting ready right now.
Alyss: Ok, whatever.
Theresa: By the way, Cora, I saw Gilan walking away from your pack with a book.
Cora: That little brat! I will kill to get that book back.
Gilan: Who are we killing?
Cora: You, now give me that book back!
Gilan: I think I'll just give it to Theresa.
Theresa: Ohh, what's this? Links to a bunch of The Hobbit fanfics!
Cora: Now you've done it Gilan!
Theresa: How many fanfics do you have?
Cora: 8. Fili's First Love: A Girl with the Name of a Flower, Thorin's Memories: The Girl He Didn't Know He Knew, The Wizard-Burglar, Solitude in Company, Musa and the Dwarves, The Dynamic Duo of Three Enters The Hobbit, Mentally Challenged but Normal, and Daughter of Thorin+Skandian Theif.
George: My girlfriend has no life.
Theresa: All these are based off of her, so she'd rather date a made up dwarf(Thorin Oakenshield) than you.
Cora: No, I just get bored.
Will: Very bored.
Evanlynn: Come on Horace, time to go.

Horace and Evanlynn have logged off.

George: We should be going now too, Cora.

Cora and George have logged off.

Theresa: Will, we need to go too. 

Will and Theresa have logged off.

Alyss: Forever alone.

Alyss has logged off with work to do.

King Duncan: Well. I was not aware that my daughter is dating Horace.


I have no freaking life.

this one goes to @Spookapprentice

fyi, those are all actual fanfics I wrote. look em up.

the only thing Duncan got was that his daughter has a boyfriend. lol

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