How To Train Your Dragon

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Will Treaty has a new status update: I could've sworn I saw a dragon today!

Horace Where was it?
Will In the clearing behind my cabin!
Maddie How did I miss it?
Will Because for once you were paying attention to you training.
Halt What did it look like?
Will It was all black except for part of its tail that was red with a white skull.
Hiccup So that's where Toothless went!
Will Toothless?
Hiccup He's my dragon, a nightfury actually. The only one of his kind.
Maddie Dad, can I have a dragon?
Horace Well.... I always thought it would be cool to have a dragon.
Cassandra Horace Altman we are not getting a dragon so don't  even ask.
Maddie But mooooom..... why not?
Cassandra Do you think we have the space for a dragon?
Hiccup Terrible Terrors are the size of the average  human head most of the time
Cassie  and of course knowing what its name is totally makes me want to get one
Fishlegs they actually arent dangerous unless you deprive them of food and give them reason to attack
Cassie jenny, help
Jenny idk what to say cassie, honestly

Sorry..... its pathetic... i know....

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