Always Remember

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She laid on her bed, staring at the white ceiling in hopes that something interesting would come about from this simple task. It was already noon and all she had done was lay in her bed. Her gaze dropped to examine the empty room; it did not seem as comforting as it once had when she was younger. Her mother would enter the room, carrying her favourite teddy bear that she had left in the front hallway of the mansion. She would grab the brown fur and stroke it, thanking her mother for the find before running off to play with her other toys. Those were the days when she knew she had someone looking out for her. The clock struck one…two…three…She had been in her room for weeks, not wanting to ever leave again. The weeks turned into months and everyone forgot the princess, not knowing what became of her after the death of her mother. She would cry night and day, for reality was too much to handle. Her father tried for the first month to make her happy, but stopped by the third month, for his efforts were pointless. She sat up in her bed, looking at the picture that hung on the wall; it was her mother on the day she became queen. She knew that day would eventually come for her as well, but dreaded it. She planted both feet on the ground and walked toward the painting in the large brass frame.

“Mother. I promised you that I would be strong and I’m not. I can’t be,” she cried. “You left and I can’t get you back. How am I supposed to live like this? I can’t leave my room. Why? I just want you back. If only you could just appear and tell me it’s going to be okay, maybe I could get through this.” She collapsed on the ground, placing her face heavily into her palms. Her body shook with sobs before becoming frozen. From the painting emerged a transparent figure that appeared to be her mother.

“It’s okay,” the phantom whispered. “Everything will be okay.”


“I can stay for a moment my love. I want you to know I’ve been watching you and it breaks my heart everyday to see you so sad. I wished you could have been as strong as you once were, but I am here. I need you to go to your father at once. He is tremendously upset and you must save him from dark fates. I love you, daughter. Always remember everything that was.” The faint figure remerged into the painting, fading into the pose of her mother. The girl picked herself up from the floor and ran to her father, who was sitting in the study. She leaped into his arms and hugged him with all the strength she could muster.

“Sweetheart, what ever is the matter?” He questioned, with a slight sense of confusion appearing in his usually emotionless voice.

“Oh, father. I love you. Are you alright?”

“Of course. I was just immersed in this reading. The three fates were just about to choose the destiny of the main character, but you came in and startled me before I could read the line.”

“I am just glad you are alright. Father, I think I am ready to take my position as queen. I have done a lot of thinking and I have decided it is time for me to be as strong as I once was. I will always remember the past, but it is time to make a great future. Mother will always be with us.” She smiled and grabbed her father’s hands, bringing him off the chair. “We can be a family again, father. Won’t it be splendid?”

“Oh, my child. I am so glad you are well. I too will be well again. We will prepare you to become queen. Oh, happy day!” He hugged his child, allowing the emotions he has hidden since the incident to escape through love. They planned the events that would be necessary to allow her to wear the crown and finally, the day came. She walked in front of the crowd of people, smiling. She was happier than she had ever been before. The crown was placed on her head and she silenced the citizens.

“We remember the past; the kings and queens that have come and went. But we also strive for a future that makes them proud.will not forget our promises to them, and we will always make sure we are watching over them as they watch out for us.” The crowd cheered as she bowed, returning to the picture of her mother that was now in the ball room. She looked at it, as she had door for many years, but something was different. She swore her mother seemed a little happier.

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