Chapter one : A Glimpse Into The Past

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Huntik City

Unknown date because well,

It's the underworld...

Time is irrelevant...

Armino's POV 

I wake up the way I usually do with a Caliban trying to chop off my head. I sigh,and I say "Ray-pulse."the ray's beam through the stomach of the Caliban informs me of its defeat. The Caliban turns into a light blue orab and flies off to find its amulet. I groan, and I get out of my warm bed. My room is a part of a dorm system. So only the bare essentials are here. One bed, a dresser, a small closet, a floor length mirror and an old desk. My room is entirely made out of all black stone, even the furniture. In case if you didn't get the part where I live is the underworld, I'm dead. I died when I was 16 and because I was a seeker before I died, I still remain a seeker. I force myself not to remember the times when I was alive. I look at myself in the mirror one final time. My pale face stared hauntly back at me. My skin is the color of snow, pale with no color. My once black hair had turned white when I came to Huntik. Two pieces framed my face on either side and my high ponytail was slightly disheveled from sleep. The only color I have is my clothes and my eyes. I always loved my eyes. They are a mixture of blue and gray, something that intimidates most people. My clothes don't have a lot of color anyways,only being two colors. Black and dark blue. A black long sleeved, high collared, jacket that reached my knees. A plain, cotton, dark blue shirt and pants. Black leather ankle boots. Two black belts, one across my stomach, the other hanging off my hips. The second one I use for storing my amulets.

"Come on Armino" I said to my reflection "You have to stop thinking about the past, and focus on the task on hand

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"Come on Armino" I said to my reflection "You have to stop thinking about the past, and focus on the task on hand. That's what he would want you to do." With that final thought, I walk out of my room to the training grounds.


Dante's house

Venice, Italy

March 22


Well, you will find out later....

Dante POV

I woke from another nightmare. It had been the 5th one this week. I took a deep breath and tried to steady my breathing. I didn't want my team to see me like this. They didn't need to worry about me. I finally got my breathing under control and I looked at the clock at my bedside table. 3:00am. Great. Well, no point going back to bed. I stand up, and got ready to start my day. When I was finished I walked into the kitchen to make myself some coffee (the elixir of life :) ) Then I saw the calendar and choked on my coffee. Hearing me, Zhalia came in, her eyes widening with fear ( so Zhalia does fear something I think subconsciously.) She rushes over and starts to rub my back in circles.

"It's ok Zal" I start to before another fit of coughing had me otherwise preoccupied. After a few minutes of coughing, I finally stop and catch my breath. I felt a cool hand on my forehead. I sighed

"Zhalia I'm not sick, I just choked on my coffee." I said.

"Then why are you warm?" Zhalia replied in her usual manner.

"Zal I'm fine" I said exasperatedly

She looked at me and her expression said that "I had better let her take care of me or else she would use her powers." I sighed again. " Ok Zhalia, you can take my temperature, just to make you feel better." She gave me her signature smirk-smile and exited the kitchen to get the thermometer. I finished off my coffee and tried not to think at the date. But it was no use. It was the anniversary tomorrow. I sigh again.

"Are you alright Dante?" Zhalia was back with the thermometer.

"I'm alright... just a little tired." I say though it sounded fake even to me. She raised an eyebrow. She knew I was lying, But she didn't ask me about it. Maybe because she has her own secrets that she didn't want to share. It's kind of an unspoken rule. You don't ask if someone you think is lying. Unless in dire situations. Zhaila gave me the thermometer and I put it in my mouth. After a few minutes it beeped. 99.5°F.

"See I told you Zhalia, I'm fine," I said happily. But the look she gave me was she was going to keep an eye on it. Every. Single. Hour. I was about to tell her that I would be fine when my TV went off and Guggenheim's face appeared on the screen.

"Guggenheim," I said "why are calling? And at this hour?"

" Well Dante your one day off a year is in two days, I wanted to tell you that Metz, has already booked your plane. Your plane leaves at 10 o'clock sharp tomorrow" He replied. Then he looked puzzled and said, "What time is it over there?"

"3 am" Zhalia responds.

"Is that all?" I ask.

"No just one more thing" he said turning to see Zhalia "You and the rest of the team will reinvestigate Vlad Dracul's castle. There have been some strange seekers in the area that are not apart of the organization or the foundation or even the blood spiral."

"Ok Guggenheim," Zhaila said

"Well, I'm off, " Guggenheim said, "Get some sleep, you might need it." And with that, the screen went black.

"Well, we should get ready for the day," I say to Zhalia

She huffed in reply.

I knew that she wanted to ask what was going on but she didn't. I was thankful I really didn't want the team know about her. About what I had done to her. I walk into my room to pack for the next day, My eyes fall on a picture taken almost eight years ago. We were so happy, so carefree. Well at the moment we were carefree. I had to tear my eyes away from the picture. I could feel the tears coming but I forced them back.

"Tomorrow, little sister," I whisper to myself "Tomorrow I will see you again." 


Unknown location

March 22

Unknown time

Unknown POV

"Tell Vortex...He's coming home."

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