Chapter 7 : Stories Told

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Dante's nightmare

I have no idea were 

Dante POV

I slowly opened my eyes to find myself back home. Nothing had changed, but the air around me seemed dangerous. There was a soft knock on my door, and Armino's head popped through the doorway. 

"Hey," she said sweetly, "time to get up, sleepy head." I groan and put my face back in my pillow. I hear my door opening fully. I decide to ignore it. First mistake of the day. One moment I was still in my bed, the next, judo flipped onto the floor. My sister was standing over me. Still smiling sweetly.

"Time to get up," She repeated, "Or I will drag your sorry butt downstairs." I groaned again. 

"O come on, today's the day." I look up at my Armino. 

"It's too early for your references," I whine. 

"It's never too early. Feel the aster." With that, she leaves my room. I hear her walk down the stairs. I slowly get off of the floor and get dressed. Then head downstairs for breakfast. When I got there, Liv was in the kitchen and Armino was at the table eating blue waffles. Liv was always working at this time. Then I realized something, it was Armino's birthday today. I facepalmed, earning the attention of the others in the room. 

"Did you just realize that today is my birthday?" Armino asked me. I groan from pain and stupidity. 

"Ha." Armino states, going back to her waffles, "I laugh at your pain." Liv gives her the stink eye and she hands me a bowl of cereal. The phone broke the silence that had fallen. Liv picked it up. She leaves the room and Armino looked sad at her blue waffles. 

"Whats with the long face?" I ask her. 

"Liv probably has to go to work today," she explains. "And she can't say no, so she will go." A deep sinking feeling settled in my stomach. Knowing what she said was true. Sure enough, she was right and 10 minutes later we were alone in the house. Armino cleaned up the dishes with a little help from me. (I was too short to reach most of the shelves.) After that Armino curled up on the couch, wrapping a fuzzy blanket around her. This was strange, when she wakes up in the morning she doesn't go back to sleep until 10 pm. I put down the dish I was drying and walked over to her. I sat next to her and rubbed her back in circles. She relaxed at my touch. 

"Whats wrong," I ask. She snickers.

"Everything." My confusion grows. I have never seen her like this. 

"But mostly my head," she continued. 

"Are you in pain?" I ask worriedly. 

"Not physical pain," she replied "just mental shit." I'm shocked, I have never heard her swear before. 

"Is there anything I can do?" I ask uncertainty. 

"No," she whispered after a moment. "Not really." She pokes her head out of the blanket. Her eyes were red and puffy from tears. Her cheeks and chin were wet from them. "If  you could stay that would be great." I not because I can't speak.

"Thank you," and with that, she fell asleep. I watch her sleep, but my mind was a blur. What was that about?  That's how Liv found us a few hours later. I asked Liv if she knew what Armino meant. Before Liv could answer, there was a knock at the door. Before Liv could answer the door exploded and my world went black.

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