Chapter 9: But something of equal value lost.....

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The next morning

No one knows Armino is gone

Dante's POV

I awoke to my watch beeping. For the first time in weeks, I had slept through the night. I didn't really count being sick because the sleep I got wasn't peaceful. I slowly get out of bed and ready myself for the day. When I walk out my room the whole foundation is freaking out. I hear and see people running up and down the halls, voices yelling at each other and general discord. Using my logic skills I join the fray. I see Liv heading off into a hallway. I weave through the hoards of people to her.

"What's going on Liv?" I ask. She looks at me and the first thing I notice that her eyes are red puffy. Her hair was even messier than usual. I grab her arms so I can a better look at her. "Liv, what's the matter? Why are you crying?" She still doesn't answer. "Liv answers me, you're scaring me." That got to her.

"Armino," her voice broke. "She disappeared last night and Vortex has declared his intentions to destroy the world."

"She went after him didn't she." It wasn't even a question. Liv nodded confirming my fears.

"We need to find her before she does more stupid stuff." I sighed.

"I can help." A voice said behind me. I turn to see Rowan, with a bag over one of his shoulders. "She might need a healer." I nodded.

"You can count me in." a drawling voice said. I turn again to see Zhalia leaning up against a nearby doorway.

"You are not leaving without me either," Liv added. "Armino is my daughter."

"Well then," I said, looking at the makeshift team. "Let's figure out where we're going and grab a ride there."

"The Spiral Mark," a new voice added. Sophie was walking up to us. "I looked through the files we collected and that was the only location that Vortex could use to destroy the world."

"Thank you, Sophie," I say.

"I'm going to stay behind to keep an eye on Lok, Den, and Harrison."

"Ok," And with that, we headed to save my sister. 

(Time Jump to them landing) 

 I could see the battle from a mile away. Though not in great detail, I could only the spells being thrown at each other. We set down the plane far enough (Hopefully) from the battle. We ran the rest of the way. When we got closer, I noticed something odd. Neither one of the pairs had relised any Titans. Liv voiced my observation.

"Why aren't there any Titans on the field?"

"It's against the rules," Rowan explained. "They have to defeat each other only using their skills as a seeker. Other ways they lose immediately."

"What happens when you lose?" I ask.

"If you lose, you're dead," Rowan responded. "Combattere fino alla fine, it means the fight to the end. You fight til either you or your opponent is dead."

"WHAT!!!" Liv shrieked. "YOU MEAN ARMINO COULD DIE??!!"

"Yes, but it is a very low probability. She is the best in Huntik."

"THIS ISN'T HUNTIK!!!!" This time it was me who yelled at Rowan. Before he could stop me, I was running down the slope toward my sister. When I was close enough, I tried to distract Vortex. Good new, I was distracting. Bad news, I distracted Armino. She turned to toward and mouthed GO. Before I could blink she was hit by a spell, forcing her to her knees in pain. I try to run to her but someone tackled me.

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