Chapter 5 : A Very Musical Rescue

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I DON'T OWN ANYTHING BUT OCs AND PLOT. PLEASE READ: OK now that I have your attention (probably) I have something about this I don't explain in the chapter. Armino knows Dante's team because she has a mirror that lets her see what Dante is up to. Exactly like the mirror Bell uses in Beauty in the Beast. Also, THANK YOU ALL WHO READ THIS!!!! THIS IS THE LONGEST THING I HAVE WROTE IN MY LIFE!!!!!!! Now on with the mission!!! 

Vlad Dracul's castle

Main entrance

There is a whole lot of people who are pissed at Armino

Armino's POV

I feel a little guilty for leaving Rowan alone but this way I don't have to hold back without him knowing what I am. I walk through the front gate trying to get as much attention I can without blowing anything up. Which for me is just walking through the doors and standing the the middle of the walkway. I hear the alarm bell ring out calling that an intruder was in the courtyard. I stand and wait for the troops to come to me. It would be a waste of energy to go to them. Once most of the minions had gathered I closed my eyes and the song Monster by Skillet played in my head. This is an ability I gained in Huntik. I can play a song in my head and I can then tap into the speakers around me (If there are any) and the song will play. I usually use this in battle because 1) it help me focus and 2) it freaking epic! I open my eyes to see the minions looking around confused. I should probably mention something about this power that I didn't mention before. As long as I stay on beat my powers will increase to a level that is near impossible to defeat. But as a draw back I can't remember what happens during the battle. That is why I sometimes I have a bruise I don't remember getting. So when the song ends I look around to see a lot of people on the ground groaning with the occasional moan. I carefully step around the bodies trying not to hurt them any more than I already had. I head down to the basement where I know they hold the prisoners. I hear a loud scream of pain. I know I have to hurry. The screaming continues and I follow it to a hallway of metal doors. I carefully inspect the room to my left. It looks a lot like Zhalia's cell but this one has two bodies in it. One is holding the other in their lap. The person looks up when they hear the door open. Then I recognize him as Harrison, another member of my brother's teammates. In his lap is a very bloody Den. I slowly walk towards them Harrison but as I get closer he holds Den closer to protect him. Knowing I can't get any closer without hurting Den, I stop and crouch down to be eye level with Harrison. He looks at me with an expression of confusion and caution.

Dark Sleep I mentally evoke. I could see Harrison's eyes struggle to stay open. In the end the spell and the mental torture of watching a loved one get hurt finally put him to sleep. I encase Harrison a bubble using Bubble Lift. Then I tend to Den. Nothing too bad few broken bones, minor burns, and some internal bleeding. Nothing a little healing magic won't fix. After I'm done healing I put Den with his brother and return to Rowan. He looks at the sleeping boys in the bubble and gestures to put them against a tree.

"Hows Zhalia doing?" I ask.

"She doing fine," He responds walking over to inspect Den and Harrison "the drug they used will be out of her system in 24 hours."

"That's good," I say "There are two more people I need to rescue, will you be fine over here?"

"I'll be fine" He responds this time looking up at me "I can defend myself." I nod content with the answer and head off to find Lok and Sophie.

After Dante leaves the car

Liv is conflicted

Liv is also hiding a secret

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