ch.10. just a peck.. right?

814 39 7

(Kumiko pov)

"Um....I-I'm f-fine."

"!?" Makoto immediately took my finger out of his mouth.

"......s-sorry...i was moving before I knew it. "

"N-Nevermind. I'm a-alright." I couldn't believe I was stuttering.



".........i clean this up. So you go take care of that cut."  I nodded.

"O-Ok. B-Be careful." He slowly nodded and I headed to the restroom. I couldn't believe what just happened. Im..shocked. I cleaned my finger and then put a bandage on it. Then I headed out. I saw him talking to the lady. We then headed out and started walking home. It was very quiet.

".........sorry" Makoto said with his head hanging down.

" to."

"What? Why?"

"It was my fault for picking it up. I should have never picked it up. I should have listened. "

"Oh. Does it hurt? "

"No. I feel fine." He smiled. A smile that made my heart race. What is wrong with me?!?!? It was getting quite again. We started walking down the neighborhood.

"Hey! Look." Makoto said pointing at a lady standing on her yard.

"She's outstanding! Haha. Get it?! Out standing? Hahah" now he was laughing like an idiot.

"Come on. You have to laugh. Hmm but that lady is kinda old and ugly."

"Hahaha-ugh!" I elbowed him.

"What was that for?!" He asked. I put my finger on lips. Shushing him. The lady looked over to us.  I smirked. Then pointed my finger to Makoto. He gave me a glare. The lady was furious. She grabbed a broom and started running towards Makoto. Makoto's eyes widen as the lady came closer.

"Ow!!!" Makoto said rubbing his head when the broom made contact with his head. The lady was then hitting him over and over again on his head. Makoto started running by the lady chased him down the street.

"Ow ow ow!!" The lady kept hitting aiming for his head. I was laughing my ass off. Makoto ran into a corner. He was trap. He feel to his knees holding his head for protection while the lady was hitting him over and over with her broom.

"Ok! Ok! I'm sorry!!" The lady stopped and walks off angrily.

"Jeez" i herd Makoto say. I was laughing so hard my sides hurt. The lady walked up to me. I stopped laughing.

"Thank you young lady for being so kind and tell in the truth."

"Um..your welcome?" That came out more like a question.  The lady smiled and went back inside. Makoto was next to me rubbing his head.

"Pfft" he looked at me. I bite my lip so I wouldn't laugh. But his hair was messed up. Which made him look cute and funny.

"Pfft-hahahahah" I was laughing holding my sides.

"Shut up." He said giving me a glare. I couldn't stop.

"Damn you are annoying today. First you didn't let me pay for you then you cut you finger with a little piece of glass and now your laughing like a maniac." I stopped laughing.


"Dog fur" I punched him.

"Haha-ow! Ok I'm sorry!"


"Hey wanna take a pic?"

"No" I said still walking.

"Come on"



"I said n-" before I could finish he pulled me close to him and took a pic. I looked at it. He was smiling and I had no expression. I was just looking at the camera. I looked scared.

"Erase It! I look horrible!" He pulled his phone in the air.

"Nope. I'm keeping it. Besides you looked cute." I looked to my side and we were already to my house.

"W-What?" I asked him. We were still close. My Breast were gently pressing against his chest. We were that close!! He smirked. He leans down to my ear. I could feel his warm breathe against my ear.

"You herd me" he whispered. Then he looked into my eyes.. He then gave me a peck on my cheek and just like that my cheeks heated. I backed up and went inside. I then closed the door and headed to my room. A few minutes passed. My cheeks were still hot. I was sitting on my bed. *ring* I grab my phone. I text from Makoto. I open it and see it. He sent that photo he took of me and him. Ugh! Why can be not delete that?! *ring* I look under the photo.

M- I had fun today. Hope we can have something like this again. See ya around dog fur. ;)

Fun? It was kinda fun. I looked at the photo. Then I smiled. *sigh* I put my phone down.  Why did he kiss my cheek. I gently touch my cheek he kissed. W-Was he just using me?! No he wouldn't. B-But does he l-like me? Nah that's not possible. Maybe he is just teasing of fooling around. Besides if he did like me we can never be together because the way I really am... if he knew what I really am be would hate me, scared of me. Besides that kiss didn't mean aything.....right?......................

Hello. I hoped you liked it. I might update this tomorrow. Just because I'm bored..anyways tell me what you think. Bye my loves.😁😊

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