The clock stopped ticking that day,
The day when the beasts my soul did invade,
When my demons became too strong for me,
When my soul began to fade.The ravaged beasts tear my heart,
Tears my pain do convey,
I try to fight but fail each time,
To the pain that won't go away.I want to die I say,
With a face which tears have stain,
But the only answer I get is,
My own face in the mirror with a smile filled with disdain.Finally I gave up,
I let my demons devour,
My hope I'd long lost,
I was crumbling like a flower.A knife I picked,
A tear I shed,
Forcefully I stabbed,
To the world I was dead.As I lay lifeless on the floor,
A dark shadow I did see,
The beast who had me haunted,
Was none other than me.