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C H A P T E R  F I V E -

"Before you say something, I'll make this clear; I did not follow you," she crosses her arms at me with a stoic expression. 

I take a sigh, giving her a faint smile. "Why so defensive? I haven't even said anything."

"Just because," she looks away. "--you might think that way and it pisses me off."

"What made you transfer anyway?" I look at her and she gives me a sly smile, slightly tilting her head. "Constant absences, and---getting into fights usually."

"Fights?" I raised a brow. "--do you really like to beat up people that much?"

"It's not that but they keep pestering and making fake rumors about me it just pisses the fuck out of me," she grits her teeth. I sighed. "Then don't fight back, it just urges them more."

"You don't know how I fucking feel, Diaz. Don't think that you're not gonna be that fucking way when it happens to you."

"Chill," I raised a hand up. "I'm just saying."

She lets out a sigh, then rubbed her temples to soothe herself. "Yeah you're right. I'm being too overdramatic."

"Weren't your parents mad?" I inquired and she spares me a look before glancing back to the windows. "--they don't care, rather they're used to it, it doesn't matter."

"I just want to be normal, you know Marco," she trails off, gently touching the rims of the window. "But I can't. I'm like this, I'm trapped and I  don't have any choice but be like this."


"This is the gym where I work-out during weekends," she says as she leads me inside the gym, the cool breeze of the AC slaps me in a refreshed manner.

She turns back to look at me and winks. "You don't need any membership. My family owns this place so it doesn't matter."

I raised a brow. "Are you sure?" she stops me with a wave of her finger. "--Do I look I'm joking, Marco?"

I shake my head and she continues while we walk the hallways. "I'm guessing you don't work-out, judging by your limp figure. We have to work on your reflex and stamina for you to keep up when in battle."

"Let's start with the treadmill, it's easy," she says and motions for me to step in the treadmill. I know what it is but I don't really get how it works, so when it gradually grew fast I looked at her worriedly while trying to keep up the pace as not to fall face flat. "--why is this so fast? Are you trying to hurt me?"

She sways her hips. "Stop being such a pussy, that's child's play."

"Child's play?! I literally feel like I'm going to fly if I don't keep up the pace!" I cry hysterically and she rolls her eyes. "I'm doing that so you can gain better stamina and be fast at running you dork."

"But can we start easy? I'm not used to this," I plead. She groans. "Let me remind you that your fight is happening in about 8 days. Do you think teaching you like a little bitch is gonna work?"

"We don't have any more time. Suck it up and be a man," she spats and I took a breath before enduring the pain and exhaustion. Star's trying to help me and I'm whinning. I have to listen.


Star was totally in amazona mode. I felt like I was on the verge of dying. My body felt liquified, sore from all the activities she made me do. She made me lift dumbells twice my weight, punch a heavy punching bag that retaliated on my direction and almost gave me a bloody nose and she ordered me to do fifty push-up all in one day.

"Good," she smiled in satisfaction while I lay deathly on the floor catching my breath. I swear I felt my heart trying to pierce away from my chest.

"Now I will teach you how to punch back and techniques," she motioned me to stand up. I lifted my hand and she grabbed it pulling me up in ease.

"From experience most gangsters always throw their fist first which gives you the upperhand," star spoke.

"If one of them tries to throw a punch at you, focus at the direction of the punch and swiftly dodge it."

"This is what we call instincts or reflexes."

"I'll give you an execution," she says.

Star stepped backward.I clenched my fists and stood there trembling. When she lurched towards me I was stiff that her fist landed on my face softly and it was so fast that I couldn't see it going my direction.

"Let's do that again until you master it," she grabs my shoulder and squeezes it. "--I'll make sure you'd be fucking badass."


"T-that," I panted, clutching down on my knees trying to find a chance to speak. "T-that was awesome."

"I know right?" she grins and gives me a slap on the back that made me winch in pain. "--you learned so many things today and it was great that we can finish this earlier."

"It's getting late, you should start heading home," she looks at me then fishes something from her pockets, grabs my palm and placed it on mine.

I stare at her in confusion. "What will I do with this?"

She looks at me seriously and clenches on my palm. "Remember to always bring that on your pockets. If things come to worst, just use it and run as fast as you can."

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Re-Edit : December 23,2019

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