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C H A P T E R  T E N -

I should've known that when I appeared on television, my reputation and label would change.

By the time I entered the school building, everyone's eyes were on me. They were not the usual stare, it was a judgemental or either a scared look. I lowered my head, trying to lose their attention but it seems that it made them even more drawn to me.

I clutched at the strap of my backpack and slowly walked in the middle of the hall---they gave way to me since I was a thug. Everyone knew that I joined Dagger's gang but they didn't care, they probably thought I was just their slave to help clean the mess.

'I'm just a victim!" I screamed at the back of my mind, but I knew no one would bother to hear it.


"You alright?" her glistening blue eyes stared against me, concern plastered on her face.

I took a deep breath, feeling exhausted by all this ruckus. I tried explaining to them but they refused to listen, they only believe and will only to the things they heard on the news.



Didn't know he was really that dangerous

Well looks are deceiving

I can't believe it. I thought it was only a rumour that he joined Dagger's gang.

He's like the teacher's pet, but not for long.

I try to push aside all of it but I couldn't help it. They're really purposely trying to make me hear it, as if I didn't think they would already.

"It's really bad  isn't it?" a voice crept up, interjecting my negative thoughts as I turned to face her.

"Yeah," I muttered, my eyes darting to the group of people staring at our table but they instantly looked away with a hint of fear in their eyes.

"It's fucking annoying," she irritably spoke and seated herself beside me.

"Well, there's nothing we can do," I helplessly muttered in defeat, playing endlessly with my fork and corn.

"What if they brought a knife?''

"A gun perhaps! And kill us all!" a voice loudly exclaimed.

I flinched when Star slammed her palm harshly on the table, it echoed loud and clear as everyone shut their mouths up. Star stood up, I feared that she would start punching them."SHUT THE FUCK UP!" she roared, her loud scream made me scared too.

The way her eyes lit up with anger, her fists clenched so tight that a vein appeared visibly. "If you want to fucking gossip, do it somewhere else you insensitive bitches, you're fucking annoying us with your talk-shit blabbering!"

"I dare you say another word about us and I'll choke you to death," she taunted and took a seat, everyone was overwhelmed by her outburst that no one could speak. You could probably hear a pin drop.

STARCO BADASS DUO [BADASS SERIES #3] |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now