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C H A P T E R  F I F T E E N -

"What took you so long?" I asked Jackie, who currently closed the door and walked beside me on the sofa, while I placed the CD in.

She gave a chirpy smile. "I just waved Star goodbye."

I raised my brows. Jackie sure was acting weird, I mean there was like something else when she said goodbye. But I shook those matters off, I wanted Jackie to be great friends with Star.

I imagined that if they got to know each other Jackie and Star would go shopping, doing girlish things and that Star would be feminine for once and for all. And maybe, she'd start wearing dress, I'd probably faint.

"You know, " I trailed. "--at first I was really annoyed at Star, I thought she was hopeless."

"But then I realized that she was just lost, and I want to help her, " I smiled and faced Jackie who became pale. "Star is quirky, immature and cool and I'm sure you'll like her once you get to know her better."

"But she's a bad influence!" she raised her tone suddenly, looking at me like I was crazy. "Why are you so keen on being with Star? She will only give you pain and will lead you to the wrong path."

"I don't care about that Jackie," I stopped her, her eyes widened by my answer. "--it's my choice, and I know when to stop if I don't want it."

"But Mar---"

"Star is my friend Jackie. I like being with her," I explain. "--is that hard to understand? Why can't you just let me do what I want? I know Star is not the greatest person but her flaws are what makes me want to be with her."

I smile. "Won't you understand me?" she eyed me with a dismayed look."You're willing to give up your future just for her, aren't you?"

"If it comes to that, then yes."

Jackie held both of my shoulders, her eyebrows crossed and a scowl on her lips. "Tell me Marco, why would you go this far just for her?!"

I say it straight and firm, to make her understand. "I like Star--I'm not sure when it started but I know I do."

She looked defeated and let loose the firm hold on my shoulders. "She truly has brainwashed you. Fine, be with her. Don't ever say I didn't warned you."


Monday came and as usual people got away from me whenever I passed by them like the plague. It's like I have some infected disease or something, but one thing is that it's annoying yet I'm starting to get accustomed to it.

Across the sea of students passing by opening their lockers, a figure stood out, her blonde hair on a pigtail. I move along the students passing by to catch her by suprise. "Sup," I held both of her shoulders.

She flinched, then bobbed her head to turn to me. "Oh, Marco," she says timidly.

"Why did you leave early last time?" I asked. "I had some matters that I had to dealt," she brushed off my hands. "--if that's all, I gotta go then."

STARCO BADASS DUO [BADASS SERIES #3] |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now