Chapter 8: Meeting Him

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CHAPTER 8: Meeting Him

“WAKE UP YOU ROTTEN PIGS! COME ON! OPEN THE DAMN DOOR! YOU BOTH BETTER BE AWAKE!” I woke up to Brother Peter slamming his fists on the door I had hoped what had happened to me was a dream I pinched myself but I was still here in this musty dirty place with Emma sleeping next to me and Brother Peter waiting impatiently outside. People around here were so impatient, and to think that they taught us to be patient and forgiving.

I groggily sat up and shook Emma she woke up almost instantly I wondered how she couldn’t have heard Peter’s fists on the door.

“Emma I think Peter’s outside, I don’t know what to do should I open the door?” My voice came out shaky, yes, I am scared of Brother Peter…He’s a big person with chunky arms, a pregnant woman’s belly, his nose was like a slab of meat stuck onto his face and overall he towered me by a head.

“Maddy quick answer it he’ll be mad, please Mads I honestly would go but he’ll see that I’m not dressed yet and he’ll be very much more mad I-”

“Emma calm down, don’t worry about it, I’ll have to face him one way or another, don’t worry I’ll go, Emma you just go get dressed” I rushed to the door and undid the locks Peter came stumbling in.

“WHERE IS BREAKFAST? YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE MAKING ME AND THE BOYS BREAKFAST YOU LAZY PIGS!” I snorted while I crossed my arms and looked up at him challenging him to say anything, what a hypocrite did he seriously just call us lazy? He was the lazy pig!

“DID YOU JUST…SNORT? YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY? OH JUST YOU WAIT” Peter gave me an evil look before walking down the hallway laughing and mumbling things to himself.

“I’LL GIVE YOU FIVE MINUTES TO GET READY AND YOU BOTH BETTER BE DOWNSTAIRS COOKING ME AND ME BOYS SOME BACON” I slammed the door on his retreating back and I could hear him cracking up. Strange why in the world would he be laughing like that?

So there we were in the kitchen ten minutes later with about eighteen guys watching us move around cooking and serving them food my luggage had come earlier so I had been able to change into long jeans and a long sweater and even in those I felt violated as eighteen pairs of eyes watched me.

“UUUH…could I get some more maple shit here?” I stopped scrubbing the dirty pan and stole a quick glance at Emma, she was on the other side of the island shoving a spoon in her mouth, we made eye contact and she gave me a sad look. I breathed out a long sigh and dried my hands on a piece of cloth before going to the fridge to grab the guy his maple syrup, as I dug in the fridge I felt someone slap my ass, I stiffened before turning around and punching the guy full on his face.

“WHAT THE FUCK!? WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR FUCKING PROBLEM?!” I held my breath and looked at him wide eyed I put my hand on my mouth, the guy looked up and we both made eye contact. To my surprise he was actually pretty…cute…his floppy messy brunette hair was sticking out in all sorts of direction and his toned arm was holding onto his nose but the throbbing of my knuckles brought be back to reality I grabbed onto my hand and looked at it, it was pretty red and tears almost leaked out of my eye.

“I-I’m so sorry!” I said without looking up, ashamed of my actions. The guy let go of his nose and looked concernedly at me before gently taking my hand in his. When I looked up I saw Peter laughing.

“Oh Lord, I can’t believe she thought it was you!” He kept laughing and soon most of the old guys in the room started howling in laughter following him. Was Peter some kind of leader or something, Robert on the other hand was also looking at me concernedly I gave him a reassuring smile telling him I was okay and he gave me a quick nod before turning to look at Emma and smiling at her, did they have a thing or something?

“Hello? Anybody home?” The cute guy was looking deep into my eyes trying to get my attention. I shook out of observing people and looked back at him meekly nodding my head and trying to smile.

“Look, come on let’s go I’ll help you get it fixed” He then gently held onto my other hand as he dragged me out of the kitchen “BE RIGHT BACK GUYS” he yelled and I could hear another howl of laughter from the guys and the cute guy said something about them being immature under his breath. He led me out of the kitchen and before I could take another step I bumped into him and suddenly I was against the wall, oh my god what was happening? Was he going to rape me? With the thoughts rushing through my head I didn’t realize he started to lean in and when it was too late I felt his lips crash down onto mine. Surprisingly it felt good, his lips on mine, it was soft and his big hands were on my waist rubbing up and down, and I didn’t know what got a hold of me but I put my hand on his cheek as the other lay limp on my side. I returned the kiss because of the good sensations I was feeling I couldn’t help but give out a small moan and he started to kiss down my jaw onto my neck, I sucked in a deep breath, this was so wrong but how could this feel so good?! Lord help me!

He came back up to face me and gave me a heart-warming smile,

“I’m Jethro, but you can call me Jeth” I took in a deep breath and replied him with a nervous smile my fingers playing with each other I looked down before saying,

“Uh Hi, I’m Madeleine…but Maddy for short” Jeth gave me another smile and I wanted to melt in his arms right then and there.

“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” Emma interrupted our moment as she gave me a grin and hurried away. Jeth’s head tipped back as he gave a quick laugh before looking back at me and putting his arms around me.

“How about we go have a look-see at your hand?” I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out I guess I was still in shock at everything that just happened so I nodded yet again. As Jeth was pulling me to a room down the hallway he jokingly said,

“You know you gotta stop with that nodding thing, your voice is much better” He turned around to give me a wink. “Okay here we are!” as he stopped in front of a mahogany door and turned the knob to go in he led me inside and instructed me to sit on the bed.

“Just wait a second let me get that first aid kit! It’s in my bathroom somewhere, construction places everyone’s gotta have one, horrible place this is people always get hurt and no one cares so Robert and I are the ones who have to play doctor and nurses, personally I think I’m the doctor I’m just more pro if you get what I mean” He said all the way from the bathroom as he walked over to the bed where I was sitting giggling like a little girl, who the hell was this guy? Why is he so cute? Why is he even in a place like this? Why is he so nice when everyone else besides Robert and Emma of course were horny pig headed bastards.

Once again im so sorry but here is the next chapter i made it longer please still keep reading i lurve you all! 

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