Chapter 1: Tears He Won't See

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CHAPTER 1: The Tears He Won't See

“I don’t want you to hurt, I love you Lewis but I think it's best if we just break up, it’s obviously not working out between you and me…” I was on the verge of tears, we both had just returned from a party that did not end well. I had caught Lewis in Leader Safyan’s bed with yet another girl for the third and last time, I have had enough with all the forgiving bullshit.

I finally looked up at him, my face was full of disgust, anger, and hurt, I thought he had finally changed. I thought he was a different person after I caught him the second time. Lewis looked uncomfortable. His face had guilt and pain written all over it. I walked over to the couch and plopped down defeated. I  looked around our small house the white walls I doubt I’d ever see after tonight, the stainless steel kitchen, the turquoise carpeting and the smell of cardboard that lingered throughout the whole place. Lewis was silent, he didn’t move, he didn’t speak. So I just looked down to my hands and started playing with my fingers.

“Lewis… I’m going to go and start well…packing, I’m sorry but it really is over between you and me.” I started to get up; Lewis was still frozen in place, he jerked backwards as I walked past him and trudged towards the bedroom. I let out a long hard sigh while kicking off my black high heels, I dragged out my black luggage from the closet and quickly stuffed all my belongings in it, the faster I packed the faster I could get out of here and away from…Lewis.

A loud noise from the kitchen interrupted my rushed packing. I hurriedly ran there still in my black dress. The kitchen was a mess, there were shards of glass on the floor, spoons and forks were sprawled out everywhere and then my eyes landed to a fuming Lewis. His hands were curled up into fists, he was leaning onto the sink and his hair was messy like he had been running his hands through them and pulling at their roots, I bit my lip. I remembered when I had thought that it was a turn on, now I just wondered how many girls have had the “opportunity” to run their hands and tug through his hair.

“L... L.. Lewis? Please calm down” I started to walk towards him watching where I was going, as I didn’t want to step on any broken pieces of glass.

“Lewis please calm down, I’m sorry but-“ before I could finish my sentence Lewis grabbed me by my arm and crashed his lips onto mine. The sparks I felt before were now replaced by sparks of lust; the taste of his minty breath was now replaced by the smell of alcohol and raspberry lip-gloss. I kissed him back one last time before I put my hands on his chest and pushed him away.

“Maddy, I… I… it wasn’t me, she… they pushed themselves onto me! Every time! Every one of them! Its not like I wanted it! Maddy I want you and only you, I’m sorry please! Give me another chance. Mads I love you so much!” Lewis tried to grab my hand but I pulled it away before he could take it.

“Lewis I’m sorry I can’t do this anymore, I can’t pretend everything’s okay when it’s not. I can’t just sit here while you go have your fun with some girl, I just can't take this anymore! Lewis… have a heart I feel bad for her and then I feel bad for myself so it’s better if we just go our own ways okay? You can do whatever you want once I’m gone.”

“NO…no Maddy you can’t leave me…” Lewis dropped down onto his knees and silent tears started to drop out of his eyes, he looked up to me and begged me to stay. His face looked so pained it hurt to see him like that, Lewis had always had the tough boy exterior, never had I once seen him break down…until tonight, but even with his panda-like eyes staring back at me, with tears spilling out of them and his lips in a half pout and his sincere face, I couldn’t bring myself to give him another chance to screw up.

“Lewis…Lewis stop it, Lewis get up come on, don’t make this harder for the both of us!” Tears were also starting to leak out of my eyes as I tried to pull him back onto his feet, “Lewis get up! There’s shards of glass everywhere come on you’re going to cut yourself, Lewis get up!” I bent down to tug his hand but he wouldn’t budge.

“Only if you want me back Mads…”

“No…no I can’t do this…” with tears streaming out of my eyes I dropped his hand and walked away, I rubbed the tears away with the back of my hand and I pinched the bridge of my nose whilst walking back to finish my interrupted packing.

When I had finally packed all my most important necessities I zipped my luggage up and headed towards the door, Lewis had stayed in the kitchen the whole time, he would occasionally come in to check up on my packing and begged me to stay some more but I gave him a firm no and he’d stomp back out into the kitchen and conitnued to throw around whatever was left in there.

With one hand on the doorknob I took a deep breath and turned it. Lewis’ voice filled my ears “Once you walk out that door…No…no Maddy you can’t go, please don’t!” I turned to look at him, his body half in the kitchen half out, he had a spatula in one hand and the other one was curled up into a fist.

I dropped my bag and walked towards him I grabbed his hand and held it in mine, a soft smile made its way to my lips before I went on my tiptoes to hug him one last time. I whispered a few goodbye and thank you words in his ear and told him that he will always have a place in my heart, that I wish him the best with whatever he was going to do next. Lewis’ hands wrapped around my waist and he buried his face in the crook of my neck I felt him breathe in my scent before I tried to pull apart, but Lewis’s hands wouldn’t budge and he didn’t move.

“Lewis, I have to go okay?” His arms tightened around my waist and I repeated myself. Lewis muffled something into my hair and he started kissing my neck.

“Lewis, please? It won’t...It won’t work, it won’t do anything to change this, to change what I am doing” Finally he let me pull apart and looked me in the eye, tears were threatening to fall out of my eyes but I had to be strong, I had made the decision to leave and I was not going to regret it.

“I guess I didn’t know what I had until its gone.” He tried to smile but failed miserably. Lewis walked me to the door as I bent down to grab my bags and luggage. “This doesn’t feel like a break up, this feels like you’re leaving to go somewhere and it feels like you’ll be back, it feels like you’re just going on vacation with your family…God how I wish it was like that…” Lewis muttered.

“Goodbye Lewis, I’ll see you around I promise.” He grabbed me into one more hug before letting me go. With one swift motion I turned the door knob and walked out, I could still hear Lewis mutter curse words and punch the door but I had to keep walking God knows what would happen if I went back there, I could’ve given him a fourth chance, it was something I really didn’t want to do.

Authors Note:

(sorry for bad puctuation or grammar)

Hi Guys! if you've read the prologue and then read this chapter you must be thinking whoaa wait a second what the hell is she sleeping with two guys or what? what's her deal? no she's not sleeping with two guys the prologue is a part in the story which i have yet to unfold and chapter 1 is where the story begins :) i hope you guys like it so far i've actually already written the story out on word so if i have enough comments or idk maybe votes ill continue to upload them! i've had all these massive chunks of ideas in my head and i just want to let them out so i hope you guys like it PLEASE PLEASE comment i would REALLY REALLY appreciate it and if it is good enough then PLEASE vote! if you want me to read your stories or know more about me we could always talk and you could always post things on my message board! i will definitely check em out! once again thanks! i hope this wasnt too long /:

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