Chapter 16: This Is It

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CHAPTER 16: This Is It

After weeks and days of Jeth harassing Emma and I to run around the construction site, eating and drinking as much as we could, getting enough sleep I could and preparing clothes and necessities for the run it was finally the day before the planned date.

            We were going to run…far away from this shithole.

I sat in the kitchen reading my new book I’ve only started reading the first few chapters as I’ve been so busy being active and actually doing a lot of work. My feet were propped up on the wooden table and I had an apple in my hand, I was even eating healthy for God’s sakes.


“I know! I know! We’ve been through this a million times Jeth!” Jeth gave me a weary look and I glared back as I repeated what he’d told me a million time the day before as I was still looking directly at him, square in the eye “First, you and R will get BP get E and I will get the bags make a beeline to the back toilets where it smells like hell! Then wait for you guys and-“

“SHHHH! I hear footsteps!” Jeth continued carving into the little wood in his hands and I turned my head and started reading again. Suddenly the doors flew open and Emma ran in almost out of breath, I looked up horrified has Brother Carl found out we were going to make a run for it?! But how?! We’ve been so discreet! Its impossible!

“One, one of the guys’ trying to pick a fight with Robert!” Jeth stood up straight away and made a dash towards the construction site “Its in the rooms!” Emma yelled while she tried to regain her breath I stood up and hastily put the book down, I’m sure I lost my page but oh well, Emma’s more important and right now it looked as if she was on the verge of collapsing.

“Emma! Emma! What happened?” Emma had sat down on a chair as I hurried to get her a glass of water, all that running for that fragile little body.

“One of the guys saw the bags, the one under my bed when he tried to get with me, he wanted to know what the deal was with them and I told him…I told him…”

“Go on…”

“That it was my secret stuff, things I kept from when I was a baby, things that were of no value to him…but he caught my bullshit and he almost grabbed for it when Robert came in…and, and they started grabbing at it when it tore apart and everything fell apart and the clothes came bursting out…obviously Carl wanted to know what they were for and that’s when it hit him I guess so Roberts trying to shut him up” Tears were now falling from her eyes.

“Mads I don’t care, we might have to leave early but I don’t care, Mads we have to get out of here I can’t take it anymore!” Emma started sobbing in my arms and I bent down to hug her.

“I know Emma and we will, I’m sure when the boys get back we’ll be out of here fast!”

“It was my fault! If I had only locked the door! None of this would have happened!” Emma was now in hysterics and she needed to calm down or else she’d be too rigid and petrified to run or act and react when something does happen.

“Emma, you need to calm down, you can’t run like this, you’ll be too hesitant! Please calm down Ems we’ll get out of here I promise” with that Emma’s breathing slowed down and she started taking in deep breaths, in and out, in and out but she gripped onto me harder that it was starting to hurt, but I held onto the pain for Emma. When she had finally calmed down she walked around the kitchen putting things in boxes and stuffing them in lunch bags and I just observed her from where I perched on the wooden chair the book in my hand. Emma’s head suddenly whipped to the door so fast I swear it was like a whiplash and not a minute later the boys entered already in their ‘running’ uniform, track pants, hiking boots, a t-shirt and they each had two bags slinging on their shoulders. Their faces held grave expressions, and for once it was Robert who spoke up first.

“We can’t go back are you guys ready?”

“Its now or never…” I whispered but I’m sure everyone had heard me. Jeth made his way over to me zipping up my hoodie, tightening my shoelaces then he handed me my bag and clipped it all together, Robert did the same for Emma and Jeth looked up at me as he gave me one long passionate kiss. I returned it with all the passion I could muster at the moment but I was deathly scared, I was nervous, my hands were sweating bullets I just wanted to get out of here quick and fast! But somewhere in the back of my mind there was a tiny voice telling me something will go wrong, but that was something I could not believe right now, I had to push that back way to the back of my mind, that wasn’t something I could think of right now, I had to do this, for Emma, for Jeth, for Robert and for my Mother. She would’ve wanted this even if she was the one suffering back home with my cheating father…I snapped back to reality and Jeth was shaking me rather violently.

“Maddy, Maddy” he snapped his fingers in my face and I stopped zoning out “Mads, you can’t zone out on this okay, you have to stay focused, stay focused!”

“O-Okay I pr-promise” I stuttered back before something in me made me lean forward as I grabbed his face in my hands and kissed him so hard it hurt my lips.

“Let’s go”

Authors Note:

Again I know this is short but another one is coming up super shortly so two uploads in a day :D:D:D:D:D this is where the drama kind of begins? Hope you keep reading thanks for voting and commenting J much love! Alsace-

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