Chapter 25: Sweet Surprise

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"Maddy, we have the doctors appointment tomorrow! Don't forget like last time! Dr. Sanders wasn't too happy!" Colton grabbed my medical papers and closed the door of the Porsche before walking over to me, his arm supporting my waist as I got out, I had been so sleepy these past few days and it was killing me. 

"I know, I know, but I just can't be bothered, its so tiring to drive into the city and back here all the time" I whined, but Colton just smiled and nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck.

"We can always stay at the loft? Until you're really okay?" We made our way to the front door.

"No, no I actually kind of like the view here, it's gorgeous and I don’t want Thrace to become a snobby rich boy" I leaned into his face to give him a kiss.

"He’s too good for that isn’t he? I mean look who his father is the best man alive out there!”

“You and your big ego!” I smacked him playfully on the chest

How are you?" He breathed.

"I'm fine baby," My doe eyes stared into his before he whispered a 'me too' and gave me an intense kiss. I pulled away reluctantly but I didn’t want Thrace to see us kissing, typical kids he turns squeamish every time. “Speaking of Thrace where’s my little baby”

“Maddy he’s not a baby anymore, he’s four and he’ll be five real soon babe, plus the kid in your stomach is the little baby” I turned around to glare at him.

“Shush! He’s still my little baby boy!” Colton put his hands up in surrender and then mumbled out ‘hormones’ “Did you say something?”

“I said I love you” I rolled my eyes. “I’m serious!” I was about to retaliate with an ‘of course you did’ when a bolt of golden slammed into my legs hugging them.

“Mom! I missed you!” He then turned his head to look at Colton “Daddy! You’re home early!” Colton dropped whatever he was holding and bent down so that he could hug Thrace, I looked at the whole exchange, Colton looked so delicious in his work clothes his tie was half undone, he had tugged on it on the way home and his hair ruffled up from my hands going through them, these pregnancy hormones were not going to do me any good! Colton lifted the boy up and headed into the house, grabbing the medical folders on his way. When we were inside the foyer he placed the papers on a round table before flinging Thrace into the air, a melody of squealing and giggles broke out, I smiled and headed to the kitchen. Time for pickles!

About an hour later I was still in the kitchen I couldn’t get my mind off anything but food! However this time it wasn’t just for me I was preparing snacks for my boys too, I had decided on peanut better and jelly. In the midst of cutting off the edge of the bread, since my little boy Thrace didn’t like them, Colton’s voice rang out.

“Maddy! Where is he!” Colton whisper yelled from the living room.

“Where’s who Colt?” I waddled over to the couch meeting Colton half way as he was cleaning the room, pillows were all over the place, frames knocked over, books splayed on the floor and building blocks scattered in random letters. Colton’s hair was a mess just like the room and he started to look behind the couch and under the tables. I smiled.

“THRACE ADAM LOCKHART COME HERE RIGHT NOW AND HELP YOUR DAD CLEAN UP! PLUS I’VE GOT PB AND J!” I yelled to the house, Colton was quickly at my side holding onto my waist.

“Here let me hold these” He grabbed the plate of sandwiches from my hand “Maddy stop putting stress on yourself I could’ve gone and find him if I knew you were going to go mental!” I smirked “Here sit down,” with his arms around me as if trying to protect me from the wind he led me to the couch where I slowly sat down.

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