Chapter 17: Make A Run For It

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CHAPTER 17: Make A Run For It

With that Jeth and Robert shared a look before Jeth grabbed my hand and ran over to the kitchen window, which was foot length he unlocked the clasp and slid it up he gently and sleekly jumped out before gesturing me to jump out, it was a rather high drop and I was suddenly unsure.

“I’ll catch you I promise” Jeth whispered to me. And as I held my breath I felt myself floating in air for about half a second before landing in Jeth’s strong arms, we waited for Robert and Emma to do the same before leaning against the walls with Jeth leading everyone and Robert at the back to guard in case anyone decided to sneak up on us. For hours we ran, we hid and we camouflaged ourselves in the surroundings of the construction site, I was exhausted this place is actually really big and this was such a risky plan to carry out what if someone saw us, what if we actually did get caught but Jeth saw me panicking so he quickly leant over and kissed my forehead before going back into spy mode that sexy grave look plastered back on his face, we ran hiding behind pillar to pillar, wall to wall, bushes to bushes and I finally saw the toilets. I literally wanted to cry with joy, we were almost there! No more negative thoughts now.

“Okay this is where we have to split up…You come with me and Robert will be right behind with Emma, but this place is open and anyone can see so we have to hurry” I was confused…why make it all complicated if we could just pretend we were walking by and quietly slip out?

“Because if we don’t return they’ll know straightaway and with miles of forests and wooding ahead of us, they’ll be able to chase us down” Jeth said as if he read my thoughts. I just nodded my head gave Emma and Robert a quick hug before whispering “I’ll meet you on the other side…” I turned back to face Jeth he had a small smile as he held onto my hand and brought it up to kiss it.

“This is it alright, never let go of my hand understand? Never let go!” I nodded my head a tad too eagerly I thought, but I didn’t care, I just couldn’t wait to get out.

“Mads, on three okay? Mads? Concentrate” Jeth looked at me hopefully and my forehead started to frown I was so ready for this, so ready to get out of this place “One…” Closer to victory “Two” This is what we all wanted “Three” and with Jeth’s hand tugging mines I ran on my tip toes making as little noise as I could and running as fast as I could praying in my heart and mind that nobody saw, by the time we reached the back of the toilets my head was pounding I could hear the blood rushing in my ears, my heart beating as fast as ever. Jeth looked over at me and bent down as we crouched behind the toilets, using the walls as a support to regain our heavy breathing and panicked hearts, I started to giggle when Jeth told me to shush but he had a smile on his face his finger traced my whole face from the bottom of the chin to my eyebrows before he tilted my head up to kiss me as he laughed at our victory and sure enough when I pulled away I could see the rotting wood right in front of me, the ends already chipping. Jeth let go of my hand and began to lift up some tiles from the toilet floors, I sat there just watching him waiting to see the greenery that was going to be set ahead of me, the lush trees behind this horrid high fence. When Jeth finally lifted the last of the tiles in his area he retrieved a saw, a steady and slender saw and without any ado he began his work he sawed through the pieces of rotting wood, as they came off easily. His muscles rippled as he worked and I couldn’t help but stare at them, how long has he been working here that his muscles had turned so…

“Why are they taking so long?!” Jeth grunted. Then I just realized that Emma and Robert were supposed to be here…but the thing was…they weren’t. Did something go wrong?! Did they get caught by Brother Peter?! Jeth sawed off the last bit of rotting wood and it came down with a tiny thud, but I couldn’t enjoy my victory yet, I couldn’t even bear to see the lush trees ahead of me if Emma wasn’t here…If Emma and Robert wasn’t here, it just wasn’t right. Jeth let out a bird-like whistle and I glared at him…how could he be playing around at a time like this what happens if- Suddenly the same tuned whistle, whistled back and Jeth smiled.

“They’re okay, they’re coming. Whatever’s holding them back we’ll ask later but they’re fine” Jeth slid down next to me and held onto my fingers playing with them and I closed my eyes waiting for Emma’s heavy breathing it wasn’t until almost an hour later that I heard it.

“Emma…Emma…I blindly stood up and whispered, as I remembered to open my eyes, I saw her small frail body clinging onto Robert, I ran over to her and gave her a bone-crushing hug. As Jeth and Robert did one of those man hug things. When we were all already acquainted again we began to form our running plan into the wild.

“We should all stick together!” Emma suggested, and I nodded God knows what’ll happen if we split up.

“Yeah I think you’re right…but what happens if they chase up to us?”

“Run like fuck!” Jeth spoke up, I gave him a pointed look and he grinned.

“Okay then let’s go!” Robert piped up.

Jeth was first to feel the freedom, then Emma, then me, then Robert and when I finally adjusted my eyes to the freedom we had ahead of us my eyes brightened taking in all the greenery, the lush green pine trees, the squirrels scurrying about with acorns packed in their mouths and their greedy hands grabbing onto more, the birds chirping ever-so-happily flying from one branch to the other, the pines on the floor rustling beneath our feet, the sound of a stream rushing by, the sound of nature ambushed my ears and I almost cried at the feeling I was having right now…Jeth pulled me into a hug then Emma joined in and finally Robert too, when I had finished my sobbing we pulled apart with huge smiles on our faces, we were now all free to start a new life away from the village away from them evil mutts I was the first one to take a step towards my ever lasting freedom.

“Hold up! When I got here I entered from the left so we should head that way as he pulled out a compass from under his shirt” Jeth pointed to the left and we followed him walk over Emma and I skipped ahead making sure that we were still in the boys line of view, as I was skipping it dawned on me that we shouldn’t be skipping or walking we should be running…I stopped and hurried back to Jeth, Jeth’s face straightaway had concern in it.

“Jeth! We have to run! What if they catch us?!” it must’ve dawned on him too, I guess our sense of victory and freedoms have gotten the best of us. Jeth yet again grabbed my hand and Robert Emma’s as we made a beeline straight ahead to the unknown…

It has already been a day and half that we’ve been walking or running through the forest, making food depending on matches and packaged foods drinking water close by the stream, of course boiling it first, and Jeth the rational one packed about ten water bottles in his and Roberts bag while Emma and I had two, we walked till we were sore, we walked at night and slept during the day not wanting anything bad to happen or any animals to find us while we were unprepared, it was the third day when trouble came.

A clear shot rang out in the quietness of the forest…and then a squeal came out…

whoever shot the bullet…had hit Emma directly in the stomach….

Authors note:

Here’s some drama coming up! I know I know this need a LOT of editing I promise I will I just really needed to get this story escalating ill upload again ASAP! Promise thank you love you all keep reading! Commenting!!! And voting! :D:D:D

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