Chapter 9: Everyone Hurts

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CHAPTER 9: Everyone Hurts

“There you go, its all much better now, its just a minor sprain you don’t punch that hard now do you?” He said with a wink as he looked up to me, I jokingly punched him with my other hand and laughed.

“Hey, hey wouldn’t want that hand damaged too now do we?” I laughed at how funny he was, how can a guy like this even be here?! He was cute, charming and nice. Jeth looked up at me and give a rather loud laugh himself and I tried moving my hand away as it was just lying limp in his but grimaced at the pain that straightaway shot up my fingers. His laughter ceased and he looked at me unsure, a cease forming on his forehead.

“Yeah, you might want to go easy on that hand for a bit” He gently took my hand back and caressed it, the way he was holding it made me feel all better and giddy inside but my face looked a little uncomfortable I wondered if this was just an act and then I thought about his nose…I did punch him pretty bad.

“Uh…how’s your nose going? I hope I didn’t hurt you too bad?”

“Don’t worry about it, its fine, no blood so yeah was just a bit painful, smack on the cartilage!” He laughed as he started to pack up the first aid kit and bringing it back to the bathroom.

“I’m really sorry about it, I didn’t mean it” I said in a loud voice hoping he’d hear me.

“Maddy, don’t worry about it things like that happen. Worse things happen actually I almost lost a toe the other day! Freaking Tom wasn’t careful with the concrete placing” He said while shaking his head and making his way back to me. I smiled at him then looked away uncomfortably. There was a bit of an awkward silence and he surprisingly asked me a question that I could not or did not want to answer.

“Why are you here?” He frowned. “I mean not here in my room but like here in this place in general your such a pretty nice girl I mean what could you have done to get here?” I stayed quiet, I mean I didn’t know if I could even trust this person, maybe those kisses meant nothing just pure lust and fixing my hand maybe it was just a random act of kindness, but people nowadays don’t do that do they?

“If you don’t want to tell me its fine I understand” As he took a seat next to me, the bed dipped and I almost fell onto him.

“No…it’s not that”

“How about you tell me why you got here and ill tell you why I got here? Sounds good?” I looked at him and smiled was I earning another friend in this terrible place?

“Sure…but you go first” I replied quietly. He laughed but and started to speak before I interrupted him.

“Wait, won’t the others be wondering where we are?” I was afraid that Brother Peter might go looking for me and if he didn’t like what I was doing my number one fear right now wasn’t ghosts or the dark or creepy crawlies it was what if I got a punishment and Brother Peter might end up taking me like he did Emma, I could still remember her tiny body and his massive body under the sheets her screaming in agony and him groaning in pleasure I grimaced once again at the picture in my head and looked up unsurely at Jeth.

“Don’t worry about it Maddy, as long as you’re with me he won’t think that you’re running away or anything and beside I don’t know but Peter’s like afraid of me or something so yeah don’t worry about it Mads.” I looked up at him still unsure but his dazzling smile made my worries fade away and soon we were just staring into each others eyes and slowly our heads leaned closer together and his lips crashed onto mines, this boy is ridiculous he’s just so great and I’m glad I found him. I pulled back timidly and gently and he caressed my cheek before running his hand through his messy dark hair.

“So my story huh?... well its rather boring but here goes, so right now I’m nineteen going onto twenty and a year ago when I was like eighteen this girl took advantage of me at this party yeah I was that jock you read about in books the one going out with every girl possible then dumping her the next day but I actually loved this girl her names Emilie…” He gave a smile reminiscing about his days as the popular guys and I didn’t know why but when he said he loved a girl my heart cramped up.

“And one night we were so into each other we went to this party together and well yeah we did it, and at the time I didn’t know she had a boyfriend, I mean she never told me and it was all just so crazy and haywire and the thing was I was the one who took her innocence away from her, she never did anything with that boyfriend except the typical making out so yeah I was dead set in love with her and suddenly like two weeks or a month later she came up to my house and dropped the bomb…” He took a deep breath before continuing his head was no in his hands.

“She told me she was pregnant with my child, and since I was eighteen I wasn’t mad or anything but I was scared I didn’t know what to do but I told her I’d be there and she broke it off with her boyfriend and we got together, we knew each other since we were like fifteen so it wasn’t like anything was new to us, we had always been friends and as time passed I fell more and more in love with her she made me so happy, and nine months later she gave birth to my beautiful awesome baby boy we named him Camden for ‘Cam’ from her dad Cameron and ‘Den’ from my mom Denise because they were the ones who were supportive of us being together and raising a child, her mother wasn’t too happy because she wanted Emilie to do things in life like work and so did my father but we argued with them we stood our ground and we knew we could do it no matter what we can raise Camden while we go along with out own lives but one night I came home from work I started working for her dad, since my dad did not want to support me unless I broke it off with Emilie and was to never see her or the baby again, obviously I couldn’t do that so I worked for Emilie’s dad and I came home one night…” His voice broke by this point and I put a hand on his back rubbing it hoping it would make him feel better.

“Jeth, you don’t have to go on…I understand, we can finish this another time its no big deal really”

“No I need to finish my story because I don’t want to repeat this” He said sighing and I could see a tear roll down his eye.

“Well I came home that night, the house well apartment was eerily quiet no sound of the TV, no sound of Camden’s mumbling or Emilie’s singing…so obviously I started to panic and I looked all around the place before I walked into the bed room and found a letter on my bed…Emilie was gone.” Jeth stood up and did not speak another word, he paced back and forth.

“She was gone…She’s gone...Away from me.” 

***NEXT CHAPTER :) PLEASE PLEASE comment and vote!!! love you all! mucho gusto!

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