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**Contains Mature Content**

But enjoy!


Ethan stared at me with lust in his eyes.

That was a HUGE turn on.

He leaned in.

Our lips connected passionately, and moved in sync together.

I quietly moaned against the kiss, making Ethan smirk against it.

"You want more?" Ethan asked huskily.

I nodded my head, eager for him to continue.

"Use your words Princess."

"Yes I really want more." I said.

"You're not supposed to like him."

That thought sent me a memory from 8 years ago.


I walked down the street to school, which was right around the corner from my house.

I was so excited!

Today is my project presentation date, and I had my science project in my hand.

It was so big!

I also spent a straight 12 hours working on it. So hopefully I'll get a good grade.

I walked onto the school property, and guess who are the first people I see?

Ethan and Grayson Dolan.

I realized that, to get inside the school, the only way was to walk past them.

I held my head down as I walked past them.

But that didn't stop them from seeing me.

"Hey Fatty!" Grayson yelled.

I kept walking.

I hear quick footsteps behind me, and I was soon pushed up against the school wall.

I dropped my project.

Grayson held me by the front of my shirt, which was balles in his fist.

"I said Hey Fatty." He insulted.

I looked to my project that was on the floor and Grayson noticed.

He dropped my shirt.

"Hm well what do we have here?" Grayson asked, picking up my project.

"Oh it's your science project Kylie!" He said with fake enthusiasm.

Ethan walked over and grabbed the project from Grayson's hands.

"Don't just look at it." Ethan said.

He held it out to me as if he was going to give it to me.

I reached out my hand to take it from him.

"Destroy it." Ethan finished.

He turned it over and dropped it.

He kicked it with his foot, sending pieces of the project everywhere.

Grayson and their friends soon joined in.

I stood and watched in tears as my 12 hours of work went down the drain.

They kicked it, and stomped on it. They picked it up and threw it on the ground several times.

Soon, there was nothing but a board and crush materials on it.

The boys laughed at my reaction.

"Awe the good girl who always has her work in time, is finally going to get an F." Aaron teased.

Tears built up in my eyes.

They destroyed my project.

It was due today and now I have nothing to hand in.

I stared at the mess on the ground.

"Uh oh she's staring at the project. Don't eat it! You'll get bigger." Ethan said.

The boys laughed.

I cried.
《End of Flashback》
I got so caught up in my own imagination that I didn't even realize that, Ethan was kissing my bare stomach.

I noticed my blouse was on the floor.

How long was I not paying attention?

Those memories, they completely turned me off.

I have to leave.

I stood up from the table, knocking Ethan back.

"Whoa. Getting on your knees?" He asked with a smirk.

I scowled at him.

Of course. He only likes me for my looks.

Typical Ethan.

Typical Grayson.

"Goodbye Ethan." I said gathering my stuff from Grayson's desk.

"Where are you going?" He asked confused.

"I'm leaving."

"Why? Is it something I did?"

I stopped and stared at him.


"It's something you did 8 years ago Ethan." I said.

"Wait. When we bullied you?"

I nodded my head.

"Look Kylie I said I was sorry. Why can't you just let it go-"

"You expect me to just let everything you did go?! That's insane Ethan! You made me depressed for 3 years after we graduated when I was in University. I'm not about to have sex with my former bully!" I yelled.

"I know your mad-"

"Fuck yes I'm mad!"

I picked up my blouse and put it back on, starting to walk to the door, but Ethan stopped me.

I glared at him.

"Don't you dare fucking touch me Ethan." I growled.

"Kylie you have to stay. For Heaven's sake this is your job." Ethan pleaded.

I narrowed my eyes.

"This isn't my job anymore Ethan. I'm done. And I never want to see you again for the rest of my fucking life. So don't even think about following me."

I walked out of the office, before turning back for the last time.

"Goodbye Ethan."


A/N's note:
Whoa there. Dramaaaa. But how doesn't like a little drama in the story?

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Now imma be litty titty and go


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