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Kylie's POV

I close my eyes and I expect to see the crumpled bodies of Grayson and Ethan when I open them.

I feel someone trying to lift me up and I kick at them. I'm not going to let Lucas touch me.

"Kylie it's me!" Someone yells.

I open my eyes and they fill with tears of joy. They're alive. I look around to see Lucas' body on the ground and Xavier lowering his gun.

"Girls should never have to go through this." He says, pulling his jacket to the side.

In his jacket was a police badge. I had never felt so grateful. Without Xavier, we would've had no chance of surviving this situation.

He saved us.

"I'll call for backup as soon as you all leave."

We nod our heads and Grayson helps me up while Ethan helps Aria. We kindly ask Xavier to cut our wrists free, and he does. Grayson checks with both Aria and I if we're alright.

"What happened? You need to tell me everything so we can take it to police and get the rest of these guys."

I put my hand on his shoulder and realized that he was so tense, his shoulder was rock hard. I try to rub the back of it to relax him but he continues to ramble on.

"Grayson." I stop him.

He freezes and the hard glare on his face softens when we make eye contact. He cups my face and kisses me softly on the lips.

"I fucking love you Kylie. Never get yourself into a situation like this again."

"I love you too and I'm sorry for every problem I caused." I say.

We continue kissing a bit until we hear Ethan and Aria clear their throats behind us. We laugh it off a kiss once more before thanking Xavier and heading off.

Once we're in the car, I explain everything that happen to Aria and I to Grayson and Ethan. I see Grayson grip his seat a couple times and have to reassure him that I'm fine and so is Aria.

I turn around and see Aria falling asleep. The car hits a bump in the road and Aria's head falls onto Ethan's shoulder. I watch as Ethan looks down and smiles before wrapping his arm around her.

They'd be so cute if Ethan wasn't married.

I turn back around and I recognize the neighborhood we are in. It's not Grayson's, it's Ethan's.

"Why are we here? Aren't you taking us to your house?" I ask.

Grayson smiles and my heart flutters. It had felt like the whole world stopped for a while and that's when I realize that I really do love him.

"I'm taking you to my house. Ethan can take care of Aria at his house."

Ethan sighs, "Katie won't be home for a while. I sent her away on the longest business trip I could find."

I laugh as we pull into the driveway and Ethan wakes Aria to get up by running his hands through her hair. An blushing Aria gets out of the car with Ethan's help. He starts to take her to the door but she stops when she's at my window. I roll it down.

"I'll see you soon?" She asks, her voice croaks and I can tell she's very tired.

I nod my head and smile at her. She smiles back and Ethan says his goodbyes to Grayson. Grayson reverses out of the driveway and we start our drive home.


Grayson's POV

She laughs as I pick her up and throw her on the bed in my room.

"I've been so worried about you for the past few hours." I say.

I run my hands through her hair as she sits up and she smiles.

"Let's get you out of those clothes, they look dirty."

I get up and walk to my closet to look for something for her to wear to bed. I want to make sure she's comfortable after the conditions she had to go through.

I finally settle on one of my t-shirts and Kylie's pyjama shorts she had left a few weeks before.

I walk back into the room and see something that makes my eyes widened.

Kylie stood in the center of my room naked, staring right back at me. There are tears in her eyes and I know why. My eyes scan over her bruised body. Some of these marks will definitely leave behind scars when they heal.

I couldn't help but feel sorry for her and what both girls had to endure.

Xavier was right. No girl should never ever have to go through what they did tonight. Never.

"This is what they did to me." She says softly.

My eyes water as I see her step closer. Fuck Forbes Magazines. Grown men and boys should be able to cry.

She continues walking towards me and I drop the clothes without thinking. When she gets close enough, I hug her.

"I'll never ever let anyone hurt you again." I whisper.

She buries her face in my chest, nodding her head. We stand there hugging until I remember the ring. I still have it in my pocket.

I took this opportunity as a chance to make her my wife.

I pull away from her hug and she looks confused and hurt by my actions.

I get down on my right knee and she jumps back. Suprised, she covers her mouth.


"Kylie, I know we got off on the wrong foot during high school and didn't start well when I saw you again either. Before I saw you after so many years, I was a mean business man who was ignorant, obnoxious, only cared about money and his business. Then when I met you again, you started to change me completely. I don't only care about my business anymore, I care about everybody and what the best is for everybody. I care about my friends and family. I care about our future. I want to be by your side for the rest of your life, turning your downs into ups. Kylie Colaveechio, I'm asking you to be in the new chapter of my life, with you as my wife. If you say no, I'll completely understand due to our history. But just know that I'll love you forever and always."

I pull out the small red velvet box and open it, revealing the very expensive ring in front of her.

She gasps and stutters on her words, making me even more nervous that I already am.

She suddenly starts smiling and nodding her head frantically, meaning yes.

A smile crosses my face. I pick her up and spin her around as she giggles. I finally set her down back on the floor. I take the ring out of the box and slide it on her left ring finger.

She hugs me tightly, mumbling "I love you so much" into my shoulder. I hug her back.

"I love you too, Mrs. Dolan."





I just finished the first chapter of the sequel! I'm so excited to share it with you guys!

Just a reminder this book will end soon!

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I'll see y'all whenever!


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