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Grayson has seated me around the table and we are now sitting together in an awkward silence. I can't tell him that I basically cheated on him, it would crush him deeply. Especially with his brother. I still don't understand fully why he likes me.

Oh wait sorry, loves me.

"So," Grayson says trying to break the awkward silence, "What happened that night?" He asks.

I freeze. I look at him as he cuts off a piece of his food and brings it to his mouth to eat it. He looks amazing even when he doesn't try too. He looks so genuine, kind and caring. I looked away as I realized that I was staring for quite some time. I thought to myself, I don't have the heart to tell him. I can't hurt him especially after what he had just said to me, his heart would shatter and I'd have to deal with all the guilt.

"Everything went as planned. I deleted the video." I lied.

I plastered a fake smile on my face to try to cover the guilt that was most likely visible. He smiled back, happily approving that I did the right thing. As soon as he looked back down I sighed to myself.

Grayson really doesn't deserve this, he deserves someone who is respectful, loyal, honest, and pretty. I'm not saying I'm not any of those things but Grayson definitely deserves someone better than me.

My hands had started to shake. I was feeling so bad for Grayson. Starting to feel overwhelmed, tears started to well up in my eyes as I thought about the truth. I'm upset because he thinks I'm perfect but I'm not. He said he loves me but he shouldn't.

I picked up my knife and fork to eat, but ended up dropping them both, bringing Grayson's attention to me again.

"Baby what's wrong?" He asks worriedly. He put down his utensils down and stood up to help me. That's when I stopped him.

"Stop." I said, feeling the first tear roll down my cheek. He froze and was about to speak when I cut him off.

"I'm not good for you Grayson. I'm sorry but you don't deserve me. You deserve someone completely better than me."

He moves again towards me but I stop him.

"You deserve someone who is honest, and loyal, and caring." I placed a fake smile on but that didn't stop the tears from falling.

"Someone who is funny, intelligent, determined, and of course,"

I laughed to myself, "Submissive."

Grayson walked towards me again, this time much slower. He had a hurt look on his face like he knew that this conversation was going somewhere.

"Kylie what do you mean? You're all of those things-"

"No I'm not Grayson! I'm not your perfect girl! I'm not funny or intelligent, determined or honest."

He looked at me funny, like he couldn't understand my words. "What are you talking about?" He asked. It sounded like he was trying his best not to have his voice break in front of me, but it does anyways.

"I didn't end up deleting the video. Grayson I'm so sorry, I tried to but I got distracted."

I watched as Grayson swallowed a lump in his throat and look down.

"Then what did you get distracted by?"

I swallowed the lump in my throat like Grayson did and looked down. I stuttered on my words and couldn't bring myself to tell him, until I got it out.

"E-Ethan and I had sex."

I watch as Grayson shuts his eyes and breathes in deeply, balling his hands into a fist. Once he opens them again I can tell that a match in him has lit and he is filled with anger and sadness. I reach out to touch him but he steps back. My eyes filled with tears as I saw him move away from me.

He sat down at the table again, putting his head in his hands. I see a drop of water land on the table cloth under where Grayson's head had been placed. I look up to see if it was about to start raining but notice there's not a cloud in the sky.

Which only means one thing, he's is crying.

I couldn't bear to see him like this. The happy genuine smile that he had worn had been completely wiped away, all because of one mistake that I made.

A mistake that never should've been made.

I shook my head, tears flowing out of my eyes, not believing that any of this is really happening. Grayson hates me. He will leave me and he will fire me.

I stubble backwards, suddenly not being able to hold myself alone with my own two feet.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, crying to Grayson.

He didn't hear my last words before I ran, but it was alright. He'll find someone new who's perfect for him, and then he'll never have to hear those words ever again. I ran as fast as I could away from Grayson, the dinner, the gifts, and everything else as fast as I could into the forest at the bottom of the hill. I heard Grayson call distantly after me but I ignored him. I needed to get away, I couldn't see Grayson like that for any longer.

I continue running as more tears streamed down my face until I couldn't anymore. I stopped running, breathing intensely.

I hunched over with my hands on knees, trying to catch my breath.

After a while, I was finally able to breathe again. I was about to start walking when I realized. I'm in the middle of the forest, and don't know where to go.

"Fuck." I cursed as I turn around looking for any sign of the city.

I suddenly flinch as I hear a twig snap behind me.

"Hello?" I shout.

No answer.

I turn my head again as I hear leaves crunching behind me again. My heart started racing and I picked up a medium sized stick for protection.

"Stop playing with me. Who's there?" I called again.

Still no answer.

I gasp as I'm suddenly grabbed by my shoulders and turned forcibly around. I swung the stick but missed the target by a mile. Fear covers my face as I barely get a good look at who it was. I hear them say,

"Hey bitch. Remember me?"

I swing the stick again this time hitting them. They grunt as I try to pull away.

"I don't think so." They taunted before striking my head with something hard.

My vision goes fuzzy and I turn around to try to get one last look. When I see who it is, I'm terrified.

I'm then hit again in the same spot, making me fall into the deep abyss of unconsciousness.

What's up dolphins??🐋🐟🌊💦💦💦

This is pre written because I'm posting this while I'm on vacation for 2 weeks. So there will be a very slow update for the next chapter.

I'm sorry but I'll try my best!

Anyways, did you like it?

Who do you think it is? Let me know in the comments!

Have any questions about the story? Ask them and I'll try to answer while I'm on vacation!

Vote and Comment for Part 37!

I'll see y'all next time my horny dolphins!!


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