Spray Painted Flowers (Part 2)

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Summary: AU. Nathanael is a spray painter who usually works at night, under the alias, Evillustrator. But he didn't count on being seen by another student after creating something for one of his best friends.

Rinku: I FINALLY updated something!! I'm not dead!! Anyway, read on!!


The following day, at the school.

Nathanael had his head buried in his arms, too tired to listen to the chatter around him.

Chloe and Sabrina went along with their daily gossip, as well as sending a mean look to whoever didn't look 'fashionable'. Several of the guys were bragging to some girls in front of the classroom, about sports or something. Some girls were giggling near the windows. Some girls were surrounding the new blonde who transfered a few days ago.

The usual.

And Juleka had yet to arrive, the only person Nathanael talked to, other than Rose.

Nathanael sighed, sitting up and resting his head on his left palm, looking at the clock lazily, only to see that there were still thirty minutes until classes started.

Some of his bangs fell in front of his left eye, some purple spray paint visible, due to him not being able to wash it off completely. He absentmindedly pushed his bangs behind his left ear.

'Why did I come early? I could've at least gotten breakfast. But no, I had to rush and forget to bring my wallet.' Nathanael grumbled, stomach rumbling slightly with hunger.

An idea entered his mind and he quickly took out his phone, exiting his gallery which had images of flowers and started to send a text to Juleka.

Nathanael: Could you buy me a muffin? If you're close to a store, that is, if you're close to one. I'll pay you back later!!

After a couple of seconds, his phone vibrated.

Juleka: You forgot your wallet again, didn't you?

Nathanael couldn't help but blush in embarrassment. Juleka couldn't be more correct.

Nathanael: Guilty. So can you??

Nathanael placed his phone on the table reached into his book bag and pulled out his sketchbook, which was slightly bigger than the one he used the night before, and took out a pen and pencil.

His phone vibrated again. He lifted up his phone and looked at the received messages.

Juleka: Alright. You owe me a painting!! Oh, and Rose sent me a text that she's coming today, said she was feeling much better!!

Juleka: But she didn't tell me why

Nathanael: I'll paint you something then

Nathanael: Maybe Rose will tell us when she comes today.

Juleka: Maybe. Anyways, I'll see ya in a little while!

Nathanael had an idea what made Rose feel better, but who knows, maybe it was something else entirely.

Like who knows, maybe she had breakfast.

Nathanael's stomach rumbled slightly in hunger, reminding him of his lack of food.

Nathanael sighed. 'I really shouldn't have rushed.'

With a shake of his head, he picked up his pencil, opened his sketchbook and began to sketch what ever came to his mind.


"Tell me again why we're standing out here?" Alya inquired, crossing her arms. Her eyes glanced at the closed door of their classroom.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng just blushed and shuffled nervously. "It's just, y-you know!"

Alya raised an eyebrow. "No, I actually don't know. Marinette, why are we standing outside of our classroom instead of going inside?"

"Um," Marinette avoided Alya's narrowed eyes. The blunette bit her bottom lip, not knowing exactly what to tell her best friend.

Alya's face softened. "C'mon girl. What's going on?"

Marinette just blushed deeply.

Alya hummed thoughtfully, looking closely at Marinette's body language, her inner reporter coming out.

'Lets see, blushing, avoiding eye contact with me, not wanting to enter the classroom, so she's possibly embarrassed about something inside? But there's only our classmates. Wait a minute....She blushed earlier when I mentioned the new kid, Adrien. Could she possibly..." Alya nearly squealed out loud.

Alya cleared her throat, grabbing Marinette's attention. "Do you have something you need to tell me me, girl?"

Marinette stiffened. "Um, no?"

"...Really? Like, oh, I don't, that perhaps you may have a crush on somebody?" Alya smirked when Marinette froze up and began to blush a deep, deep red.

"No, I don't!" Marinette squeaked, fiddling with the strap of her book bag.

"Don't lie to me, girl. I know you too well, and you've never been like this before. So, come on, tell me." Alya walked over to stand next to Marinette, and elbowed her, wanting her to spill the beans.

"Okay, okay, I may have a crush on somebody." Marinette said hesitantly.

"Let me guess, um, Adrien?" Alya said teasingly, expecting the blunette to blush again.

Instead, Marinette just gained a look of confusion. "Adrien? How could I? I barely know him, Alya."

"Oh uh, my bad." Alya said sheepishly, feeling embarrassed at assuming that it was Adrien. "Then why did you blush earlier when I mentioned him?"

"He and I, uh, had a moment yesterday and I kinda made a fool of myself." Marinette said, remembering when she accidentally bumped into him the day before.

"Oh. So, who is it? C'mon tell me!" Alya prodded, elbowing Marinette.

"It's, it's, uh... Nathanael." Marinette squeaked, blushing furiously again.

"Nathanael?" Alya repeated, taken aback, considering Marinette never spoke to her about him.

"Yes." Marinette whispered, twiddling her fingers.

"I'm kinda surprised. I mean, you've never talked about him. What made you like him?" Alya asked curiously, tilting her head slightly.

"Last night he-"

"Hold on! Last night?!" Alya shrieked.

"NOT what you're thinking." Marinette said sternly, causing Alya to laugh slightly in embarrassment.

"Well, um, last night I guess you can say I saw him in a new light." Marinette said, thinking 'moonlight, to be specific.'

It was quite easy to figure out who the spray painter was. After all, not many had orange hair.

"I see. But we still have to get to class. So let's go!" And with that Alya dragged a panicking Marinette into the classroom.

And just around the corner of the hall, a purple haired girl grinned, a plastic bag in hand. 'So, Marinette has a crush on Nath? Things are definitely going to be interesting.'

Things were certainly about to get interesting.


Juleka you couldn't be more right!! XD

Hope ya guys liked this chapter!!

Let me know if ya have any suggestions for one shots and such!!


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