The Only Hero (Part 2)

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Summary: AU. In a world where Marinette never became Ladybug, Adrien never became Chat Noir, but Nathanael was the one chosen to wield Trixx, and faced the Akumas alone, as well as Hawkmoth. And while Ladybug's yo-yo was once used to get rid of the Akumas, it wasn't the only one. When Nathanael isn't feeling well one day, feeling absolutely terrible, and despite his health state, fights and beats an Akuma, and then passes out midair as Volpin.... And onto the roof of a certain concerned blunette.

Rinku: Let it be known that I am not a doctor!


Marinette could only gape at the unconscious body laying on the floor of her roof.

Volpin. The Hero of Paris. Unconscious on her roof.

It took a few seconds for her to realize that his chest was heaving. Taking deep breaths. Quicker than normal. Much quicker.

She quickly kneeled beside him, noticing his face was flushed, his orange hair was sweaty, his fox ears were drooping. 

She placed a hand on his forehead, eyes widening when she felt an insane amount of heat. Fever.

She looked up at the sun, it was clearly not helping the Hero. He needed to be moved inside, but she couldn't do it on her own.

'I'm going to get my dad. Don't worry.' Marinette thought, standing up and racing down towards the bakery, where her parents were working.

Once she reached the bakery, she ran to her parents side, who were in the process of taking a batch of cookies out of a large oven.

"Dad, I need your help!" Marinette startled the both of them, making her dad nearly lose his grip on the tray.

"Marinette, what's wrong?" Her mother asked her calmly, as her father placed the tray on the counter, looking concerned.

"It's Volpin. He's unconscious on my roof, he has a high fever." Marinette spoke quickly, making her parents eyes widen.

"Tom, go up with Marinette. I'm going to close the bakery." Her mother spoke, making her way to the entrance of the bakery.

Her father made a gesture, implying he'll follow her. They both ran up the stairs, into their apartment, up to Marinette's room, then Marinette's roof.

Volpin was quickly picked up into her father's large, strong arms. And if it had been any other day, the sight would've been humorous. But the sight could be compared to a sad child in a father's arms.

"Oh my, he's really heating up." Her father muttered.

"We can put him in my bed." Marinette offered. Her dad nodded in agreement, making his way back into Marinette's room carefully.

Nathanette One shots (Nathanael X Marinette)Where stories live. Discover now