The Brendon Urie Breakup Basket

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[I'm gonna try to update like every 2 days or so maybe 3 depending on school]

It was absolutely freezing outside, the temperature way lower than usual even around this time of year. I wasn't complaining though. I kinda like it cold. On occasions, which wasn't often but it's often enough.

Because cold weather means sweaters and hot chocolate and everything nice like that. Also sweaters. I love sweaters.

If someone was around, there was no way they could've stopped me from making a terrible joke about it. But I didn't want to just tell myself and a couple of chairs a joke, so I refrained from becoming a comedian to an empty room for the sake of the little shred of sanity I had left.

Well the flowers could technically listen. But that doesn't count.

Those stupid yellow tulips from yesterday sat threateningly in the corner looked like they were glaring at me. Supposedly they represented hopeless love (and the phrase "there's sunshine in your smile) according to a couple charts floating around the internet, which was probably why they seemed like they were staring at me.

Or maybe it was because I'd forgotten to change the water they'd been soaking in for like 2 weeks. I never used them anyways so it didn't matter.

I hate tulips. And so do other people so I guess it's alright.

The bell rang again, before official opening hours of course like I'd anticipated.

"Dallon," he called "it didn't break the window. Again."

"Well first of all, how hard are you throwing it?"

"Like the window is his disgusting cheating face."

"Fair enough." I shrugged to myself and shot a glare at those wilting tulips in the corner and wandered out to the front with another 'fuck you' basket in my arms.

"First of all, I'm thinking of adding this to the official list." I told him and he took it from me, carefully dropping in some new poison ivy down the side, presumably from the street like the other ones had been.

"Second of all, I never caught your name."

"Brendon. Brendon Urie."

The name clicked, and I realized I was moving in down the street from him soon, according to the layout of people living in the neighborhood that I'd been given. But the paper was either in the garbage or in the back of my car, so I couldn't really check the validity of that statement.

I'd say the possibility we would be so close was a dreadfully awful thing, but I'm pretty sure we're on the road to somewhere decent. Like, at the very least friend-wise. Well I hope so. It'd be pretty cool to know someone other than the only 2 people I'd stuck to like glue since preschool. I think that says a lot about me.

"Call it the Breakup Basket and then add it." He said finally, pushing some dandelion weeds between the tallest flowers.

"The Brendon Urie Breakup Basket?"

He laughed and nodded approvingly, carefully sliding the flowers into his arms and glancing around at the displays set up around the room. They'd been sent in at 10pm just before I left for my apartment by a huge UPS truck honking around the back parking lot, and I didn't sleep until this morning before I'd decided they all looked decent. They were crowding the back room and there was no way I'd be able to get any rest with it being so cluttered back there.

"Are these new?"

"They were shipped in last night. Apparently flowers are at peak performance in Malaysia." I shrugged and he laughed again, throwing his head back to the ceiling for a moment before going over to check one of them out.

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