Trampoline Parks

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[okay here's a real update lmao]

The next day we'd decided on a triple date because yknow that's how successful first dates end.

With a second one.

Like they're supposed to when plan 4 successfully initiates.

Last night, Brendon had suggested going to this quaint little coffee shop the morning after the official date, and I was fine with that. After we'd discussed those plans for a good 20 seconds, we went to 7/11 that night and drank slushies until our stomachs hurt, which we attempted to refute with as many snacks as we could carry out of there, and ate those on the curb until they were all finished off. Then at around midnight, he walked me home.

Of course Patrick and Tyler were passed out on the kitchen floor when I got through the door, which was expected considering we'd gone shopping for like 5 hours yesterday with no pretzel breaks (a necessity when shopping).

And here was Patrick across from us, practically asleep on Pete's shoulder, and Tyler and Josh sitting across from each other whilst getting lost in each other's eyes.


"Where'd you two go last night?" Pete wiggled his eyebrows "aquarium?"

Aquarium would've been fun too. Fish are cool.

Brendon shook his head no with me. We hadn't told anyone where we'd gone yet. Maybe he wanted to keep it a secret? I'm not sure. But anyways, we hadn't told anyone yet.

My feet twitched from overuse and Tyler pushed the question again. "C'mon, where'd you two go?"

Brendon shrugged and glanced over to me out of the corner of his eyes. And just then I noticed the color of his drink matched his eyes. It was very satisfying if I do say so myself.

"My legs kinda hurt-"

Pete eyes grew wide immediately after I finally spoke up, his hands abruptly slapping the tabletop. Patrick nearly toppled to the ground without Pete acting as his pillow support.

"You guys did the do." He concluded sharply and slapped Josh's chest with the back of his hand in astonishment.

Actually we'd gone to a trampoline park and jumped around for like 4 hours without taking a break. But yknow, what Pete said works too if it makes it sound cooler and a lot more like a date than it actually was.

Well it was a date, but he made it sound like romantically better.

The trampoline park was fun though. I'd do it again.

"No ya didn't." Tyler laughed and narrowed his eyes at the two of us, biting his lip because somehow he just knew.

Well, we had made that pact in 4th grade to never sleep with someone on a first date, or any date in general. So that happened. I guess he just had to assume after that.

"We went to a trampoline park," Brendon blurted out and inconspicuously grabbed my hand under the table. His vice like grip was really warm, like he'd been nervously sweating for a while. I couldn't blame him though, because I was too "and then we... watched a movie."

"Which movie though?" Patrick mumbled and rubbed his eyes from sleep while Pete and Josh exchanged proud looks with each other. "And was it good? Date material movie?"

"We were half asleep, I don't know." I covered for the two of us and Brendon sighed in relief.

These purple little globe amaranths in the tall plastic vase next to us looked like they were stretching towards the ceiling, and coincidentally I guess, they mean unfading love.

I hate flowers.

I couldn't get that feeling from last night out of my head though. It was completely new, I'd never done anything like it before.

Well I mean I'd never gone to a trampoline park and jumped for 4 hours while surrounded by little kids, but hey, it's something.

It was also especially nice on the drive out there and back to home; the street lights blurring through the helmet visor and the wind tearing through my shirt sleeves, tossing the fabric behind me. Turning around and watching the skyscraper lights blink like they're part of one bigger picture, speeding past the city limit sign like it's screaming 'don't come back'.

The best I was ever going to get if I wanted to feel like that is if I either went out with Brendon again, or if I rolled down the windows to my car and stuck my head out like a dog.

That last one is too self depreciating. I'll do that if I'm like on the verge of death. Which hopefully will ever happen. [thats not foreshadowing dw y'all are safe]

Now, I don't mean that my entire potential relationship with Brendon depends on his motorcycle driving capabilities and the destination, but if that was an added bonus to an already successful connection, I was willing to try.

"What would you say to an official triple date?" Brendon bumped my shoulder softly and squeezed my hand again.

Tyler had his head in his hands like he was blushing furiously. I assume from the smile on Josh's face they were the third addition to the date. Patrick was still falling asleep on a very content looking Pete, who either didn't seem to mind or just didn't notice the growing spot of drool on his shoulder.

I watched them all together for a moment (which was longer than I'd thought it was), and I felt Brendon's breath on my neck and his smile run against my skin, impatiently waiting for an answer.

Last night started playing through my head like a dream. Grabbing hands and hopping from trampoline to trampoline, dodging all the little kids, sinking in the foam pit like it was quicksand. He told me that he sent out a bunch of letters to colleges and quit his job at some sketchy smoothie place a couple weeks ago, and I told him the flower shop was supposed to make colleges love me (which apparently wasn't working effectively enough, considering nobody had written me back yet). I laughed when he told me Josh was the one trying to be a lawyer, a job so out of place for a guy with brightly dyed hair, and he laughed when I told him about how Tyler got stuck being a mailman until he can quit in a month or so. I think the staff thought we were insane but that's alright.

I had the time of my life last night.

"Sounds fun."

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