Has Buzzfeed Ever Lied To You?

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[time skip ahead like a month or 2 go ahead leave all your angry comments here hhhha]

The past few weeks and couple days had been golden.

They weren't as golden as they could've been, considering I was still drowning in a never ending sea of debt. But even I had to admit it was pretty great waking up to a basket of flowers on my front porch every morning (this coming from a guy that despises literally everything). Sometimes the little gifts would be accompanied by a cheesy love note that I usually stored in a drawer, or something sweet and unexpected like that. I couldn't really complain about something so cute.

The other day, the note I'd anticipated was replaced by a small box of chocolates and a little balloon in the shape of a comical heart. I told Brendon he didn't have to do that, but he insisted he wanted to every time I brought it up.

We went on dates nearly everyday after Sarah's too - he'd stop by near the end of the day and I'd close down a half hour earlier than usual and we'd take off to wherever he decided on driving. Yesterday he took me to a pond that I never knew even existed, and we tossed bread chunks at the baby ducks chilling out on the water. He got chased around the lake by an angry goose while I sat on a rock and watched for a couple minutes while I stole his chips and laughed. Needless to say, he found the whole ordeal to be much more humorous after the goose waddled off to terrorize some other helpless innocent ducks. We ended up calling animal control after it snapped at a kid that walked by. "Saving the human race," Brendon had told me "we're doing it to better society."

A couple days ago too, we went to a small restaurant on the corner. It was old and was being shut down soon because the rent became too much to afford, but they served amazing food and their service was great, almost like it was a last chance at redemption. I wish I'd been in there before. It was only a block or so away from my shop, and I'd not payed it the attention it deserved for the 3 years I passed by it everyday to get to coffee place where Patrick worked.

Speaking of redemption and my store, the stupid flower shop finally started to pay off a little bit. I was able to replace the wiper blades on my car by taking it in to see a professional mechanic, and unlike my installment, they actually worked without streaking the entire windshield. My savings jar for air conditioning was almost full, and there was a new shipment of flowers that had been brought in this morning. Brendon promised he'd help me set them up before hours.

Tyler plopped back down in his chair just as I did, his bag of chips crinkling loudly through the Skype call.

"Okay, so I'm not saying the Titanic didn't sink-" he whined through a loud crunch of stale Cheetos.

"That's actually all you've been saying for the past 20 minutes." I buttoned the collar to my shirt and glanced down to see Patrick with his head in his hands just above a bowl of cereal. He had his name tag pinned to his shirt, the P and A faded out so much it just looked like "Trick". It was probably Pete's doing, knowing him.

"Tyler, that's utter bullshit."

"No, it's not! Its twin ship, the Olympic, was damaged previously and they switched it with the Titanic for insurance benefits." Not this again-

"Where did you hear that from?"


Patrick snorted. "So that makes it true?"

"Has Buzzfeed ever lied to you, Patrick? Dallon?"

Patrick coughed in a laugh through his mouthful of cereal and slammed his table a couple times "remember that one time when Pete hacked their website and put up that article saying he'd been eaten by a shark?"

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