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As I drive home, i thought i should give something to the boys.  so I just bought Krispy Kreme 4big boxes cause I know that 2 wont be enough and i bought them bubble teas. after buying i went home.

"seriously, this is so damn heavy."

better call and ask help. i then called luhan

"lu ge:) "

yaah janny yaah. what can i do ,?

can you please help me with these ?! help me faster oppa help help?""!! i acted so that he would respond and go down fast. expectedly my plan worked.

yaah hmmmhmm what happen are you ok ,,?

yeaah i just wanted you to bring all these up hah.

yaah you freaking scared the hell outta me" he said

i just laughed and we went up


yedolaa jannelle brought us snacks. luhan said

yaaaay the kids ran and grab a doughnut and a bubble tea each. well except for 1. and you know who he is. i bet you know.

i just ignored them and went upstairs to my room. inside was my bathroom so i hurriedly take my beauty bath. after my bath i wore a towel and i felt their was a person inside. it was kris.

yaaaah you pervert .!? why are you here??

just wanna say thanks for the food i am going to eat it now. he said while smirking. my jaw dropped in disbelief that kris was sayin thank you to me. did it just really happen? i thought

my thoughts were interupted when he suddenly said

"You have quite a voluptuous body babe"

"Yaaah WU YI FAN LI JIAHENG KEVIN WU ! HOW DARE YOUU " he ran outside while laughing and i locked my door and changed.


after changing i got down having a death glare to kris and i didnt notice their manager was there.

"oh Anneyonghaseyo Kenji unnie" i said

"oh anneyong jannelle" she said nice job at the photoshoot A while ago aye~ the pics were really nice. she added

awwe~ thanks for the compliment unnie:)

Heyy guys coome here for a while.she said

Tomorrow you all will have a CF shooting ok?? she added

yeaaaah another shoot. chanyeol highfived baekhyun and hugged D.O

but~ kris is excluded.

"Bwoooh" he said

its because you dont have a contract to Nature Republic. remember lastyear when you were diagnosed with dengue and you have to halt any activities? sorry kris but You Have to wait for 7 months after the contract ends and you can join them" she said

I laughed and said hahaha.

"awee poor boy " i said while he gived me a glare while drinking my bubble tea

I then realized that i have no schedule tomorrow. Daang Id have to be with this jerk again. i said

awwee~~ the boys said

but~ kenji said

another but??? Chen hissed

Yes Chen and did I mention you will be shooting in Busan for 6 days. kenji added

Wooooohoooooh all them girls are there Wooohoooh, kai said

I choked my bubble tea and they laughed at me. especially kris.

What da 6 daays?? omg its going to be a rough week for me I said and Kris just rolled His eyes.


[A|N] sorry for the long wait but here it is':) please vote If you want Continuation.:) thhaanks


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