alone with him

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Kris Pov

she looked like an idiot when she choked her milk. i really laughed like an idiot and i can feel her glaring at me.

she webt showering and after that about 15-25 mins she was done. the car arrived and we went to the airport. they talked and talked and talked but i just kept my mouth shut and watched the beautiful Seoul city.

we arrived at the airport and we then bid goodbyes. did I mention I will drive cause Manager Noona will be with them. I was dying of jealousy since I want to exploeree thingd in busan and I cant go. and its all because of this STUPID DENGUE uggh. we were about to leave when Luhan ran up to us and Kissed Janelle in her cheeks and her forehead. I was shocked knowing luhan wont do that but he actually did. Luhan said

"Kris take care of her ok!"

"ah ah sure I wont rape YOUR GIRL"

"Just makin sure bro. and she is definately not my girl YET" he said and bid goodbye again to us.

I saw jannelle shocked/blushing. Wwhy am I like this? I asked my self. Ahhh nadeunnanmollaaa:(((

iteased her while driving home after 20 mins she ran upstairs and I got myself aome ramen and milk (unusual combination of food right, but i dont really care since its yummy) then I watched the TV. apink was on then btob then ZE:A followed by so maany artists in the kpop scene. I just carefully and merrily watched their performances.

Jannelle POV

we got home for about 20 mins after Exo leaved. I got upstairs and I definately got my sweatshirt and sweatpants with my nike running rubbershoes and I hurriedly got my Earphones and my Ipod. I srsly go down to excercise since its boring and especially when YiFan is around and I am Alone with him so Awkward. After I got down i want to escape freely but them Mr. Bishface Saw me. since i didnt notice him in the couch eating ramen and Milk.[weird combi of food. i was laughing inside]

"Yaah where are you going"? he said

"why do you care?"

"well be careful not to be rape cause I definately wont save you."

"and unless if someone will rape you"? youll die a virg. Hahaha" hesaid

i didnt mind him and I ran out with my earphones.


she just leaved after I teased her. guess i am really not her type huh:( nadeun nan molla.

after watching their perfs. i leaned my head at the wall thinking.

"am i not good enough for her?"

"it started with just a simple teasing,making her annoying. she annoyed me and i annoyed her back. i miss that childhood memory of ours. its my fault not listening or just leaving her there. i loved her since we were children, but why did I did that huh. i ignored her.their is a reason why i ignored her and its all worth regretting knowing that she dont love me. is it that I am inlove?

this cant be!? she likes Luhan. not me:(


"AHAA!!? I can make her fall inlove with me this 6 days. yesss??!! thats what i am gonna do. i planned many this including teasing\many.many busy.busy. since i dont have a schedule I am so free. haha. also I am going to go shopping with her and I am going to do anything To make her be mine." i said.

"what am I doing?!"

"am I inlove??!"

"Yes I am, I am In love"

"Wu Yi Fan is ready to fight". I said shouting.


Can you see what Kris and Jannelle's similarity are?? comment if you recognized ok:)))

hi guys vote for continuation Haha :) God bless y'all

follow me at twitter or instagram and the user name is @kenjeewed. haha ok byyyee

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