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Its morning and I feel someone was asleep beside me after that I open my eyes and I saw Kris fast asleep. How the hell did he come here mustve been the master keys I left.

I felt his hair and he flinched. I watched his Handsome face then suddenly he Gripped at my arms and hugged me really tight. My face was in his chest and you know what He smelled Nice.

"Stared enough babe*? he said

"Hahahaha" i replied

"Ok lets get up" I hissed

"no.kiss.first." he said with an inch of aegyo.

"Hah kisses; next time" i said while heading to the door

he suddenly pushed the door and after it he became closer and closer... and closer until his face is like an inch from my face. He smirked and Kissed me I gladly accepted it but just when we were getting Hot. something happened.

Tao Happened he saw us and I pulled away from kris.

kris was rubbing his neck while I just put my head down.

Tao laughed and said: seriously you guys go to a hotel or something Hahahaha maldoandwae i cant believe What I saw Hahaha and he continue laughing.

Ha.Ha.Ha, kris said while getting annoyed .

Tao, why are you here anyway?! I said

Ohhh... that, kyungsoo hyung told me to get you cause breakfast is ready. he said

Continue what you guys are doing and come down when you feel to eat. Okay??

ohh. Kris said

Okay Panda. I said

We almost got caught" i said

Hahahaha" come on lets eat" Hahaha Kris said

we went down after 10 mins and guess what, the panda told everyone what happened and when we got down by the stairs all of the Exo members except Luhan are Clapping.

"What the?!!!" Kris said

"seriously you guys!?""What?" we didnt have Sex !!" i said

"We know" Lay said

"then what!!" i said while thinking

then I realized Tao smiling profusely with his Gums.

"Tao!" I said

"Yaah Huang ZiTao" "do you wanna die" kris said

"aniyooooe" Tao said while running away. Kris was about to get him but I grabbed his wrist and he come to me putting his hand in my shoulders while walking to the dinning Table.

basically the boys teased us both

Awwwe I am so jealous:(((((((( awwee so cute couple. Ahhhh suho said.

"Hahahaha. shut up Junmyeon" Sehun said

"Bwooooh What did you say?!" suho replied

"aniyoo just eat hyung" sehun said

"thats better"

We ate our breakfast and I said,

" Guys, are you excited to go to the philippines?"

"Of course" Baekhyun replied

"I want to see many girls their Noona" Kai hissed

"Hahahaha I have my Bestfriends over there" I replied

"Bwoya, I thought I am your bestfriend" Kris said

"ofcourse, but dont worry they are girls and you are my Eternal BestBud "  i replied while winking and leaving Kris To blush

"ehhhht.. So sweeet" Baekhyun said

"Stop both of you the ants are killing my body" Chanyeol said.

we just laughed and said Shut Up BaekYeol!!

"dont call us that we are not couples!" Baekhyun said

"yeah~=" Chanyeol replied

"ok then stop teasing us" I said while smiling and blushing

"dont blush" Chen said

"ahh this boys"! i said

"Ok stop now, Do you want to get spanked by this Noona? " I swear your guts will really hurt" Kris said while smiling, scaring them to death.

I just laughed.

"ok who wants to buy Necessities for the flight/vacation" Xiumin said

"meee" all of them said except me ofcourse

"Ok ready up all of you " D.O said

"bwoooh" Luhan said.

and its the very first time I heard him speak.

"Hyungs" D.O said with a sarcastic Voice

"Thats better" luhan replied

We readied ourselves and We went to the CoEx Mall.


thats all for now I will update again Tomorrow and one thing I will have many characters as The BESTFRIENDS of JANNELLE. Please comment for some name suggestions. Thaanks



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