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Jannelle POV

I was happy when we got home.

I feel loved. we always hold hands and stuff which makes me have butterflies in my stomach.

I was in this Kakaotalk with all of the exo members and later did I know that kris posted a picture of us after i slipped the necklace on. we did a picture of that moment and it was our official pics together. the boys then flooded

Tao: Nooonaa:(((!!!!!

Sehun: Nooonaaa :((((

Luhan: are you guys together now?!:( </3

D.O: 0____________________0

Chen: is it april fools???

Suho: Wooooah youve gotta be kidding me guys:)))!??

Lay:*Dazed look* btw congrats if its true.

Xiumin: Omg! duizhaaang #eatingbaozi

Baekhyun: yaaah jannelle. you sure have some explaining to do.

Chanyeol: Omg I'm Jelly :((( nice catch hyung

Kai: hyung congrats.but i am more handsome than you ;))

Chanyeol:Shutup jongin?!!

Kai: Look whose talking.

Luhan:</3 </3

Sehun:Baby dont cry tonight~~~

Kris: *poses another picture of him in the beach while I was running *

Luhan: #Jellymode

Lay: woooah 0.0

D.O: idc congrats. bye i gotta go cook for all the princes .

Jannelle: Kris what is this¿¡¡¿¡¿

Kris: babe dont be angry:))) *aegyo*

Jannelle: ok

Lay: I smell the lovebirds

Chen: yaaah shut up paboya. how can you smell when we are in kakao talk.

Lay: aahh right I forgot

Jannelle: omg lay why are you so funnly forgetful roflol.

Kris:ok bye guys we gotta go do something

Janelle: are we going to???

Tao: No Sex ok??

Jannelle: Yaaah~~~~~!!

Tao: sorry hehe

Suho: no accidents okay??

Kris: Omg! are you guys byuntae's. yaah girls need respect and we are just going to eat??!!  why the dirty minds?

Xiumin: ok. but why angry??!!

Kai: Hahahaha

Sehun: Shut up Jongin.

Kai: what did you just call me?!! wait there im gonna go get you at your room. you spoiled brat!!!!


Baekhyun: Hahahaha

Chanyeol: I gotta go poo

Xiumin:ewwww omg go now

Chanyeol: Ok anneyong

D.O: Dinner Is ready!!!!!!!!!

Kris: we gotta go bye :)


Exo : we hungry bye too ;)))

then our conversation ended we get ready to eat and since Kris cooked for me I hopped at my chair. prayed and start eating .


Thats it for noow hihi

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