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after that floodingly annoying kakaotalk we decided to eat. at the table there was samgyupsal sangchusam sweet and sour pork and for dessert there was an awesome patbingsoo. We ate and Kris broked the silence. Uhmm babe?


K: do you realize that its our first dinner right?"

J:yeah and the food isnt horrible :)))

K: danghyunaji!? the price cook it for you.

S:Shut up lonely prince.

i then went to wash the dishes.

kris came and put his hands swaying in my back and I feel that he is really intimate. When i turn my head to the left i saw his face. he was smirking and gripped his hand in my shoulders. pushing me to the corner edge and when he looked at my eyes he kissed my lips Again. I was so shocked that I carefully caressed my fingers to my lips and he starts walking away smirking.Again

after washing i went to the room and kris was there surprisingly he patted his hands from the bed and said

K:babe can we sleep together?.

J:noo :Pp sorry but maybe nexttime.

K: Ok i understand you. good night.

he kissed my lips and broke out.

J: yaaah your so unfair. Why give me kisses when I am not yet ready. If you want one just ask.

K:Ok so i want one now.Now

J:sorry enough kisses for the day muah:********

K: uhm.ah.ah. ok bye :))) see you tomorrow beautiful.

Hahaha was all i can say he then leaved and turn to wink me and finally into his room.

I wasnt able to sleep cause I feel bored. I went at my balcony and I saw Kris' room lighted. so i think he didnt slept yet. I went back and lay at my bed.


she is not yet asleep huh? might as well text her.


K: Babe, miss me that you cant sleep?

J: I should be asking that to you paboya~~

K: keurae naega Paboya~

J: so youve admitted it already?

K: yeah Im A pabo whose deeply inlove cause I cant get ya out of my mind.

J: Stop it its cheesy mann.

K: Haha so you like it??

J: Sorta kinda idont know!!!

K: na du Nadeun nan molla.

J:Omg!!!! Kris, Come here please Fast asaaaap ::::((((

K:ok wait!

Jannelle POV

i heard footsteps and panting. it was kris.

why what.. Ha..happened??  he said

Nothing, i just cant sleep.

Yaah, you scared the hell of me miss.!!

Hahaha looks like someones protective over someone!!!I teased

Might as well go back. he looks annoyed.

Babe, I take back what I said earlier. Come and join me to sleep please:) prettypleasewithsugarandparfaitontoop. I said it fast with aegyo.

Ok then:) he said


she invited me to sleep after tricking me. aish that girl. i acceptes her offer so we walked to bed and we talked for sometime. while talking she slept at my chest and I hugged her. I cant believe she slept with me left talking. aish this girl. She lookes so beautiful, like an angel. I felt tired and then slept with her.

"""the next morning"""

Jannelle POV

I woke up alone in my bed and went out

Good morning?!! i said while kris was sitting eating pancakes in the couch. he was drinking water when he spitted it.

What.What happend?? the news broke out messages and news saying EXO was spotted playing outside at night."he said

"Bwwwoooh.. are they drunk??? i asked

by the way i see it. negative, they just went biking. look at the pics here.


they probably went biking cause kyungsoo has a house newly built there so maybe they stayed their. he said.

ahhh so thats why.:)

Uhmm babe. I will just buy something at the store. i said

nooo :) someone will recognize us and I will just buy the.. uh. uhmm..

What?? 'he said

I would just buy napkins cause i am in my period ok??!!!

he was shocked but he gently smiled and let me go.

the store wasnt really far cause its just outside the dorm.

when I went inside i hurriedly bought napkins and there was that magazine. That exo and I worked. I mean i photographed and they modeled. guess who was in the Front Page..

KRIS?!! i boughtthe magazine to tease him back home

Babe:) Ive got ya a present:) look i gave him the magazine

He just laughed at it and said:the picturw looks really nice. yeokshi from my yeoching!

Hahaha thanks babe. I hugged him and said do you realize that I have many competitions now right? since your the front page looking smokin hot. I guess youll leave me when you see a good lookin girl that me huh.I said

he smirked and said

"Even if The Royal Princess of England will confess to me, you will be the one I will choose. as he kissed my forehead.

my cheeks went red and I leaved him at the living room. I will Wash up babe . ok?

Ok! he said while watching Running Man.


Sorrry for the late Update I am really sorry. uhm This Week is really hectic and nextweek too since its our Exam already. But dontyaworry I will surely update during Christmas break.

I felt annoyed at the one who blocked baekhundred. I mean we can only see Exo showtime their. eheey bring back BAEKHUNDRED!!! i will revolt Haha btw sorry for the Boring update. Promise to update soon

Last thing would you want me to put a SCENE with kris and Jannelle? the kind of bad one? Would you like? Comment your suggestions please.:)))


EXO in your house. [EDITING/Completed]Where stories live. Discover now