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I suddenly had the urge to sleep i dunno why but I think its because of my bubble tea. I dont really get the idea about bubble teas. I just bought them because I know that Sehun and the gang will really like it since they really like hang out in a bubble tea shop and all their sasaeng fans stalk them blah blah i dont really care. I prayed then take a goodnight sleep.


I woke up by the shouting and when I got up . Its just 5:00 am. whatthe?!!!! i dont have schedule and seriously its so early.

I got down and the chanyeol was shouting to get ready . this and that??. is this clothes good or bad? like what is his airport fashion? is it presentable?? and like all the members got annoyed by him anf he finally shut up. The plates were ready D.O keep cooking pancakes for the boys keep getting hungry. srsly but D.O's Pancakes are really worth the hell to make you wake up in the morning.


GOOD MORNING NOONA. wanna come at the airport with us?? sehun said

DAANG i freakin forgot that they are leaving today.

"Uhhm ok" I said

If you dont mind we will be leaving by 30 mins Jannelle. Suho said

i choked the Milk I just drank and ran upstairs like an idiot and I felt the boys Laughing at me. I showered and get dress. thankfully i was done by 25 mins and i started gettin my bag. but the car honked and damnnn i didnt even get to eat a single pancake nor even get to finish a glass of milk,!!!

i ran and we all got in the Van.


at the airport. we arrive early to avoid fans. and their were none. so The boys and manager noona gave us a goodbye wave and and start strolling.

I am going to ride the Van with Kris and the hell I am sure this is gonna be awkwaaaaard. as we were about to hop at the van. Luhan came running to me and gave me a huge hug And KISSED me at the cheeks and at the forehead . I was so shocked that my jaw dropped and I felt my feet wobble. Seriously Blushing didnt left my cheeks.

"Kris, take care of her while i am away" luhan said

kris was shocked.I knew since he was stuttering saying

"Ah ah Dae. dont worry I wont rape your girl."

"Just makin sure Bro!? and She's not My girl yet" and he went away going to the rest of the Exo members


"Your girl" that phrase kept swingin my mind as we were in the van. I keep touching my cheek and thought.

"Do i like luhan? why do I like him as a friend only? ahh nadeun nan molla~~

Yaah quit blushing.!! kris said

shut up and just drive YI FAN.!!

he then smirked at me while driving.


another chapter ended Yaaay!!! Vote for continuation :)) *peace*

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